Tags: warmups caesar
### CaesarMirror
> Challenge statement:
> Caesar caesar, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
1. After downloaded the file, this challenge is Caesar Cipher with shift 13 a.k.a ROT13
2. to decrypt the message we can use [this decoder](https://www.dcode.fr/caesar-cipher)
3. after decrypt the message we found the right part is mirrored and need to rearrange
4. we need to rearrange the right part to find the flag, after we rearranged it we found the flag is 'flag{julius_in_a_reflection}'
![Caesar Mirror result](https://github.com/m0nkeyt3ch/CTFs-Writeups/blob/master/HacktivityCon-CTF-2020/Image/caesar-mirror.png?raw=true)
FLAG: **flag{julius_in_a_reflection}**