Tags: web
Rating: 5.0
![alt text](0.jpg)
4 Solves
Bot Protection IV
Point Value: 500
Challenge Description
When on website: +1 spam resistance +10 user annoyance
Gotta be fast! 500 in 10 minutes!
Author: tow_nater
![alt text](chall.jpg)
![alt text](1.jpg)
![alt text](mainpage.jpg)
![alt text](2.jpg)
![alt text](charset.jpg)
![alt text](3.jpg)
![alt text](comment.jpg)
![alt text](4.jpg)
![alt text](unzip.jpg)
![alt text](5.jpg)
![alt text](UZNXF_54629.png)
![alt text](6.jpg)
"origin_image_dir": "/home/xxx/solve/captchas/",
"new_image_dir": "/home/xxx/solve/new_train/",
"train_image_dir": "/home/xxx/solve/train/",
"test_image_dir": "/home/xxx/solve/test/",
"api_image_dir": "sample/api/",
"online_image_dir": "sample/online/",
"local_image_dir": "sample/local/",
"model_save_dir": "model_v8/",
"image_width": 250,
"image_height": 75,
"max_captcha": 5,
"image_suffix": "png",
"use_labels_json_file": false,
"remote_url": "",
"cycle_stop": 20000,
"acc_stop": 0.99,
"cycle_save": 500,
"enable_gpu": 1,
"train_batch_size": 32,
"test_batch_size": 32
![alt text](7.jpg)
![alt text](model1.jpg)
![alt text](8.jpg)
![alt text](ensemble_learning.jpg)
![alt text](9.jpg)
![alt text](lv169.jpg)
![alt text](10.jpg)
![alt text](lv225.jpg)
![alt text](11.jpg)
![alt text](solved.jpg)
Level 497 is not high enough
Invalid captcha
Invalid captcha
Invalid captcha
Invalid captcha
Invalid captcha
Level 498 is not high enough
Level 499 is not high enough
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "man.py", line 168, in <module>
File "man.py", line 159, in main
lv = int(header.split(" ")[1])
IndexError: list index out of range
Flag : uiuctf{i_knew_a_guy_in_highschool_that_could_read_this}
![alt text](12.jpg)
⋮⊣⊣ᓭᓭ :
![alt text](JGGSS.png)
||⋮ꖌ|||| :
![alt text](YJKYY.png)
![alt text](13.jpg)
||⋮ꖌ|||| :
![alt text](YJKYY.png)
⋮!¡ᓭᓵʖ :
![alt text](JPSCB.png)
⎓↸ᓭᒷ⋮ :
![alt text](FDSEJ.png)
⍊⋮⊣⋮⋮ :
![alt text](VJGJJ.png)
![alt text](14.jpg)
![alt text](PTJYZ.png)
![alt text](15.jpg)
![alt text](failure.jpg)
T⍑ᔑリꖌᓭ ⎓?∷ ∷ᒷᔑ↸╎リ⊣ ⚍リℸ ̣ ╎ꖎ ⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ :)