Rating: 4.0
The output is `output = sin(flag % pi())`.
We can get `flag % pi() = arcsin(output)` using a binary search. Note that there are 2 possible answers.
So, we want to calculate `k` such that `flag - k * pi() = arcsin(output)`.
Due to the `Decimal`, these values are calculated in 300-digits precision. That means,
pi = 3.1415...4120
k = xxxx...xxxx
k * pi = wwww...wwww.wwww...wwww
flag = yyyy...yyyy
flag - k*pi = zzzz...zzzz.zzzz...zzzz = arcsin(output)
To get correct `k`, determine from least-significant-digit to most-significant-digit of `k`
so that the lower digits of `arcsin(output) + k * pi` will all be zero.
This can be done in integers.
Considering 2 outputs of `arcsin` and some noise in `arcsin`, we get some candidates of `k`, and get a flag.