Tags: rev
# redpwn-chezzzboard
This challenge involves a chess board where you can play against yourself.\
Popping the executable into IDA and xref'ing the flag.txt brings us here (my idb is already labeled, sorry)\
It is clear that the objective of the game is to obtain a specific checksum on the board\
Entering the subroutine shows a double for loop and a switch, with some subroutines identifying the piece type and calculating various scores for each piece\
In that image I already have the enum labeled, but during the challenge I had to search for the draw function and label based on the piece strings\
With this information, we are able to calculate an array of winning boards using this python script
for e in range(10,25):
for a in range(1,9):
for b in range(9, 17):
for c in range(1, 9):
for d in range(9, 17):
if ((a * b + c * d + (256 - e)) == 467):
print(a, b, c, d, e)
From there, its just about choosing an arbitrary valid board and writing a script to move the pieces to their spots (or you can do it by hand if you like)
from pwn import *
conn = remote('2020.redpwnc.tf', 31611)
def CMove(col, _f, _t):
print('cmd_mov(' + col + ', ' + _f + ', ' + _t + ');')
print(conn.recvuntil(col + ': Move from').decode())
conn.send(_f + '\n')
conn.send(_t + '\n')
return _t
def Prep():
iswhite = True
_from = ['2E', '7E', '3E', '6E', '2D', '7D', '3D', '6D', '4D', '5D', '1D', '8D', '4D', '5D']
_to = ['3E', '6E', '4E', '5E', '3D', '6D', '4D', '5D', '5E', '4E', '4D', '5D', '4E', '5E']
i = 0
while i < len(_to):
col = 'Black'
if iswhite:
col = 'White'
CMove(col, _from[i], _to[i])
print(col + ': ' + _from[i] + ' => ' + _to[i])
iswhite = not iswhite
i += 1
#8 16 8 12 13
def Slay():
blackpos = '5E'
whitepos = '4E'
iswhite = True
_wto = ['7H', '7G', '7F', '7C', '7B', '7A', '8B', '8C', '8E', '8F', '8G', '8H', '3H', '4H', '5H', '8H']
_bto = ['2H', '2G', '2F', '2C', '2B', '2A', '1A', '1B', '1C', '1E', '1F', '1G', '1H', '1D', '8D']
i = 0
while i < len(_wto):
if iswhite:
whitepos = CMove('White', whitepos, _wto[i])
blackpos = CMove('Black', blackpos, _bto[i])
iswhite = not iswhite
if iswhite or len(_bto) <= i:
i += 1
def Finish():
CMove('Black', '8A', '4A')