# Morbid

This was an actually pretty fun challenge. Good one, too. The challenge is to decode something called a [morbit cipher](https://www.cryptogram.org/downloads/aca.info/ciphers/Morbit.pdf) without the key. This is actually pretty easy, because there are only 9! possible keys, or 362880 keys. This is easily bruteforceable.
Before this I wasted a lot of time [doing it entirely wrong](wrong_sol.py) and though hat I could reverse the key. But this is a crypto challenge, not a reversing one, so I was basically just running around in circles.
After I realized how easy it was to bruteforce, I made a [python script](sol.py) to do it all for me.
The script reads from a [file containing the morse code key](morse) and uses that to decode the morse.
The script worked just fine for other ciphertexts, but it didn't work on the challenge one. I was stumped on what I was doing wrong, until the author told me that the message might contain underscores. I didn't have underscores in my morse file.
A .- N -. ~. .-.-.- 1 .----
B -... O --- , --..-- 2 ..---
C -.-. P .--. : ---... 3 ...--
D -.. Q --.- " .-..-. 4 ....-
E . R .-. ' .----. 5 .....
F ..-. S ... ! -.-.-- 6 -....
G --. T - ? ..--.. 7 --...
H .... U ..- @ .--.-. 8 ---..
I .. V ...- - -....- 9 ----.
J .--- W .-- ; -.-.-. 0 -----
K -.- X -..- ( -.--.
L .-.. Y -.-- ) -.--.-
M -- Z --.. = -...-
When my program failed to decode morse, it would just return an error.
dm += morse[morse.index(c)-1].replace('~.', '.')
return "Invalid Morse"
I was lazy, so I fixed it so it did nothing at all.
dm += morse[morse.index(c)-1].replace('~.', '.')
`int()` is the best python placeholder code.
Apparently, that worked like a charm, and I was getting possible messages!
$ py sol.py
C M EGRA ULA IONS. PLEASE WRAPMHIS TESSA NED E A FLAG FORMAT:O R3B1 5 ('4', '5', '2', '7', '8', '1', '6', '9', '3')
CONGRATULATIONS. PLEASE WRAP THIS MESSAGE IN A FLAG FORMAT: M0R3B1T5 ('4', '5', '2', '7', '9', '1', '6', '8', '3')
TT M EGRA UENA IO TSETM PLEASE WETAAQHIS TESSA T E A FLAG FORMATM ET3UM D1 5 ('8', '5', '2', '7', '4', '1', '6', '9', '3')
TGRPUENPIO TSETM PLEASE WETAAT THISKESSPTE A FLAG FORMATMD ET3UM D5 ('8', '5', '2', '7', '9', '1', '6', '4', '3')
ONGRATUE EATIO SE T PLEASE WE AA KHIS MESSAT N A FLAG FORMATM 0E 3U T I1T5 ('9', '5', '2', '7', '4', '1', '6', '8', '3')
GRPUE EPIO SE T PLEASE WE AA MHISKESSP E A FLAG FORMATM IE 3U T I5 ('9', '5', '2', '7', '8', '1', '6', '4', '3')
It was pretty easy to spot the actual message, as the rest weren't in English.
CONGRATULATIONS. PLEASE WRAP THIS MESSAGE IN A FLAG FORMAT: M0R3B1T5 ('4', '5', '2', '7', '9', '1', '6', '8', '3')
It was a good challenge!
Flag: `flag{M0R3_B1T5}`