Tags: aes crypto cbc xor
During the first round of AES CBC, the IV is xored with the first block.
Therefore if you xor the IV with `00000000000000090909090000000000`, the same ciphertext will decrypt to `access=0000`
$ nc 26739
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{'token': '2476be04e156b2c3fc79af68d5839ad816bfa180e63deaaf18765d6e3a946f5988bb1303789f28cfa9eacd7f2eb816c1'}
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Please enter your admin token: 16bfa180e63deaaf18765d6e3a946f5988bb1303789f28cfa9eacd7f2eb816c1
Please enter your token's initialization vector: 2476be04e156b2caf570a668d5839ad8
{'flag': 'ractf{cbc_b17_fl1pp1n6_F7W!}'}