Tags: coppersmith crypto franklin-reiter 

Rating: 3.0

# Double Message Writeup

### Defenit CTF 2020 - Crypto 201 - 67 solves

> Here is output of Double.sage. Catch The Flag.

#### Analysis

The challenge setting/exploit code is almost identical on this [awesome writeup: Confidence CTF 2015 rsa1](http://mslc.ctf.su/wp/confidence-ctf-2015-rsa1-crypto-400/).

#### Coppersmith's short pad attack + Franklin-Reiter related message attack

The only part to modify from original writeup is the solution size argument for sage's `small_root()` function.

Two messages `M1`, `M2` are generated as below.

M1 = Flag + md5(Flag).digest()
M2 = Flag + md5(b'One more time!' + Flag).digest()

To apply [Coppersmith's short pad attack](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coppersmith%27s_Attack#Coppersmith.E2.80.99s_Short_Pad_Attack), knowing length of padding is necessary. Fortunately, md5 is used for padding, having length of 16 bytes or 128 bits. Give this information to `small_root()` function like below.

roots = h.small_roots(X=2**128, beta=0.3)
diff = roots[0]

Difference of plaintexts(`diff`) is known. Apply [Franklin-Reiter related message attack](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coppersmith%27s_Attack#Franklin-Reiter_Related_Message_Attack) and get flag:


Original problem: [double.sage](double.sage), [out.txt](out.txt)

Exploit code: [solve.sage](solve.sage) with [config.py](config.py)

Original writeup (https://github.com/pcw109550/write-up/tree/master/2020/Defenit/Double_Message).