Tags: forensics
Rating: 3.0
# Unimportant 60 points
>Forensics - Solved (100 solves)
>Written by KyleForkBomb
>It's probably at least a *bit* important? Like maybe not the least significant, but still unimportant...
A python script and a PNG picture
Look though the script, it just put the flag in the **second bit of green channel** of the `unimportant.png`
pixel = (pixel[0], Red
pixel[1]&~0b10|(bits[i]<<1), Green
pixel[2], Blue
pixel[3]) Alpha
Wrote a [python script](solve.py) to extract the flag:
from PIL import Image
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
import re
img = Image.open('unimportant.png')
pixels = img.load()
w,h = img.size
def findFlag():
flag = 0
for i in range(w):
for j in range(h):
flag |= (pixels[i,j][1] & 0b10)>>1
flag <<= 1
if re.findall("tjctf{.*}",long_to_bytes(flag)):
## Flag