# TJCTF – Seashells
* **Category:** binary
* **Points:** 50
## Challenge
> I heard there's someone selling shells? They seem to be out of stock though...
> Attachments:
> > binary
> >
> > nc p1.tjctf.org 8009
## Solution
first thing we do is disassemble the binary, we have to interesting functions :

we can see that the main function is using gets for input (which is a dumb move :P)
and also the shell function which is never called checks an argument then pops a shell
so we conclude that we can use ROP (since its a 64bit binary) to exploit it using this chain :
pop rdi
which is a very simple chain, I wrote a script to help automate the process : [solve.py](https://github.com/0d12245589/CTF-writeups/raw/master/2020/TJCTF/binary/seashells/solve.py)
tada :
> P.S : had to do repeat the rop chain two times to make it work still don't know why XD