Rating: 4.5
The binary stores a maze in `char[1000]` array. Arrays for different levels are adjacent in memory,
and right after them goes "history" array. While it is possible to choose level from 1 to 8, there
are only 5 maze arrays, which means that, if you choose sixth level, it will be actually played on
the "history" array.
What is history? You can turn it on with `h` key, after what the direction of your movements will be
stored in history. Direction is a 2-bit number, it denotes a direction that you took to the next
cell, and is stored on stepping to another cell. On starting position going forward will be 0, right
is 1, back is 2, and left is 3. Restarting the level (`r`) does not write anything to the history.
Cell size is 10 steps, so you need to take at least 6 steps from starting position to write anything
to history.
Described scheme is a primitive that allows you to completely control level 6 contents. It happens
because there are free cells in all 4 directions on the starting position of the starting level
(level 0?). We take 2 bits that we want to store, move to the neighbour cell in appropriate
direction, and "respawn" to the starting position using `r`.
Now we need to know what to write. Maze structure starts with 2-byte long magic "MZ". After that go
two 1-byte dimensions, X and Y. Next goes 8 byte long "signature", and finally there goes an array
of X*Y chars, which is a map of a maze. Maze structure is padded to 1000 bytes with `\x00`. In maze
map, `0` means free cell, `1` is a wall, and `*` is a cell with yellow box (which we need to
obtain). Signature is computed by encrypting SHA-256 of padded maze array using AES-128-CBC and
taking first 8 bytes. Those crypto algorithms seem to be modified a bit, I didn't manage to recreate
the scheme in Python. Anyway, easiest way is to start game in GDB, patch in our maze payload and
jump to signature checking code.
This is the solution in its entirety, since level 0 is trivial, and we get flying ability after
getting yellow box, so we need just to fly up and look for a flag on the plane wing.
The maze I used is 1x4, it places yellow box right in front of us:
For Babymaze we get signature `0xd3, 0xa4, 0xdb, 0xe5, 0x6d, 0xbf, 0x6c, 0xdf` and following moves:
press H !!!
> ^ < > 1 0 3 1
> > v v 1 1 2 2
^ ^ ^ > 0 0 0 1
^ ^ > ^ 0 0 1 0
< > ^ < 3 1 0 3
v v > ^ 2 2 1 0
< > v < 3 1 2 3
< v > > 3 2 1 1
> v < > 1 2 3 1
v < < < 2 3 3 3
> v < ^ 1 2 3 0
< > < < 3 1 3 3
^ < ^ > 0 3 0 1
^ < ^ > 0 3 0 1
^ < ^ > 0 3 0 1
^ v v v 0 2 2 2
For Mamamaze signature is `0xa7, 0xac, 0x3c, 0x37, 0x7e, 0xa3, 0xbc, 0x5a`, moves are:
press H !!!
> ^ < > 1 0 3 1
> > v v 1 1 2 2
^ ^ ^ > 0 0 0 1
^ ^ > ^ 0 0 1 0
v v > < 2 2 1 3
v v < ^ 2 2 3 0
^ < < ^ 0 3 3 0
^ < > < 0 3 1 3
> < < v 1 3 3 2
v v ^ < 2 2 0 3
v < < ^ 2 3 3 0
> > v v 1 1 2 2
^ < ^ > 0 3 0 1
^ < ^ > 0 3 0 1
^ < ^ > 0 3 0 1
^ v v v 0 2 2 2