Rating: 4.0
## Task
* 3 times RSA: $n$, $e$, $c$ -- cipher
* Additionally some number $a$ with its order
* order $o(a)=$ smallest $k$ with $a^k\bmod n = 1$
## Solution
* element-order divides group-order
* multiplicative group modulo n has $\varphi(n)$ elements
* $o(a) \mid \varphi(n) = (p-1)(q-1)$
* $\varphi(n) \approx n$ (a bit smaller)
* Test `phi = n // o(a) * o(a)`
* compute private key $d = e^{-1}\mod\varphi(n)$, like in key generation
* decode message
* Approach worked for all 3, gives flag in 3 parts
* First part of the flag is "SaF{Wikipedia_still"
* Second part of the flag is "_says_you_have_to_di"
* Third part of the flag is "scard_odd_orders...}