
# TI-83 Beta (68 solves)

> Hey I'm building a new calculator! I hid a flag inside it, think you can find it? Author: nadrojisk

We are given a windows executable. The flag is in `SEH` exception handler that was registered in main function:

.text:004124D0 ; int __cdecl main_0(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
.text:004124D0 _main_0 proc near ; CODE XREF: _main↑j
.text:004124D0 var_C0 = byte ptr -0C0h
.text:004124D0 argc = dword ptr 8
.text:004124D0 argv = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:004124D0 envp = dword ptr 10h
.text:004124D0 push ebp
.text:004124D1 mov ebp, esp
.text:004124D3 sub esp, 0C0h
.text:004124D9 push ebx
.text:004124DA push esi
.text:004124DB push edi
.text:004124DC lea edi, [ebp+var_C0]
.text:004124E2 mov ecx, 30h
.text:004124E7 mov eax, 0CCCCCCCCh
.text:004124EC rep stosd
.text:004124EE push offset sub_4111A9 ; <- exception handling func
.text:004124F3 push large dword ptr fs:0 ; char
.text:004124FA mov large fs:0, esp
.text:00412501 push offset aWelcomeToMyPro ; "Welcome to my program!\n"
.text:00412506 call print
.text:0041250B add esp, 4

The exception handler is a bit obfuscated so IDA could not create a function from it. The flag is being create on stack one byte at the time.

.text:00412560 loc_412560: ; CODE XREF: sub_4111A9↑j
.text:00412560 push ebp
.text:00412561 mov ebp, esp
.text:00412563 sub esp, 0C0h
.text:00412569 push ebx
.text:0041256A push esi
.text:0041256B push edi
.text:0041256C lea edi, [ebp-0C0h]
.text:00412572 mov ecx, 30h ; '0'
.text:00412577 mov eax, 0CCCCCCCCh
.text:0041257C rep stosd
.text:0041257E xor eax, eax
.text:00412580 jz short loc_412584
.text:00412580 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00412582 db 0EAh ; ê
.text:00412583 db 58h ; X
.text:00412584 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00412584 loc_412584: ; CODE XREF: .text:00412580↑j
.text:00412584 mov eax, 0
.text:00412589 sub esp, 20h
.text:0041258C mov byte ptr [esp], 61h ; 'a'
.text:00412590 mov byte ptr [esp+1], 75h ; 'u'
.text:00412595 mov byte ptr [esp+2], 63h ; 'c'
.text:0041259A mov byte ptr [esp+3], 74h ; 't'
.text:0041259F mov byte ptr [esp+4], 66h ; 'f'
.text:004125A4 mov byte ptr [esp+5], 7Bh ; '{'
.text:004125A9 mov byte ptr [esp+6], 6Fh ; 'o'
.text:004125AE xor eax, eax
.text:004125B0 jz short loc_4125B4
.text:004125B0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004125B2 db 0EAh ; ê
.text:004125B3 db 58h ; X
.text:004125B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004125B4 loc_4125B4: ; CODE XREF: .text:004125B0↑j
.text:004125B4 mov byte ptr [esp+7], 6Fh ; 'o'
.text:004125B9 mov byte ptr [esp+8], 70h ; 'p'
.text:004125BE mov byte ptr [esp+9], 73h ; 's'
.text:004125C3 mov byte ptr [esp+0Ah], 5Fh ; '_'
.text:004125C8 mov byte ptr [esp+0Bh], 64h ; 'd'
.text:004125CD mov byte ptr [esp+0Ch], 69h ; 'i'
.text:004125D2 mov byte ptr [esp+0Dh], 64h ; 'd'
.text:004125D7 mov byte ptr [esp+0Eh], 5Fh ; '_'
.text:004125DC mov byte ptr [esp+0Fh], 69h ; 'i'
.text:004125E1 mov byte ptr [esp+10h], 5Fh ; '_'
.text:004125E6 mov byte ptr [esp+11h], 64h ; 'd'
.text:004125EB mov byte ptr [esp+12h], 6Fh ; 'o'
.text:004125F0 mov byte ptr [esp+13h], 5Fh ; '_'
.text:004125F5 mov byte ptr [esp+14h], 74h ; 't'
.text:004125FA mov byte ptr [esp+15h], 68h ; 'h'
.text:004125FF mov byte ptr [esp+16h], 74h ; 't'
.text:00412604 mov byte ptr [esp+17h], 7Dh ; '}'
.text:00412609 mov byte ptr [esp+18h], 0Ah
.text:0041260E mov byte ptr [esp+19h], 0
.text:00412613 push esp
.text:00412614 call print


Original writeup (https://github.com/archercreat/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/auctf/rev/TI-83%20Beta/README.md).