Tags: oracle crypto rsa
# diysig Writeup
### zer0pts CTF 2020 - crypto 394
> I made a cipher-signature system by myself. `nc 3001`
#### Notice the LSB oracle
The challenge is almost same with [Plaid CTF 2016 Qual: rabit](https://ctftime.org/task/2293). By suppling arbitrary ciphertext `c` for `verify()`, I can get LSB of plaintext `m = pow(c, d, n)` This is caused by the structure of `_hash()`. By observing `Stage 3` of `_hash()`,
# Stage 3
H = H | 1 if m & 1 else H & 0xfffffffe
return H
The parity of `H` and `m` is always same!
#### Binary Search for flag
If I ask the oracle to tell the parity of decrypting `pow(2, e, n) * c % n`, the result will be always even(decrypted result will be `2 * m`). Perform modular division by `n` which is odd, we can get two possible results:
1. LSB after modular division is 0: Parity is preserved so `2 * m <= n`.
2. LSB after modular division is 1: Parity is flipped so `2 * m > n`.
I can generalize the method by knowing the parity of decryption result of `pow(1 << i, e, n) * c % n`, where `i` is from `1` to bitlength of `n`. By iteratively halving the solution space(binary searaching) by using the LSB oracle, I get flag: