# ASISCTF Finals 2015: License
## Challenge details
| Contest | Challenge | Category | Points |
| ASISCTF Finals 2015 | License | Reversing | 125 |
>*Find the flag in this [file](challenge/license).*
## Write-up
The challenge binary in question is a 64-bit ELF binary which checks a license file with a series of constraints and outputs the flag (derived in part from the license file) if it is correct.
Let's take a look at its pseudo-code:
__int64 main_routine()
v75 = *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL);
v0 = fopen("_a\nb\tc_", "rb");
v1 = v0;
JUMPOUT(v0, 0LL, "+¯\x10@");
fseek(v0, 0LL, 2);
v2 = 68;
v3 = ftell(v1);
v4 = calloc(1uLL, v3 + 1);
v5 = (__int64)v4;
if ( v4 )
LOBYTE(v2) = 58;
if ( fread(v4, v3, 1uLL, v1) == 1 )
if ( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF4F4DLL * v3 * v3 * v3 * v3
+ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFB18LL * v3 * v3 * v3
+ 0x3838 * v3 * v3
- 0x1C5F164EF8CLL
+ 0xACD2 * v3 * v3 * v3 * v3 * v3 )
LOBYTE(v2) = 0;
LODWORD(v15) = output(0x6020C0LL, 0x4010F3LL);// wrong formatted key file
v31 = v5;
v7 = v5;
v8 = 1;
while ( v3 > v7 - v5 )
v9 = v7 + 1;
if ( *(_BYTE *)v7 == 10 )
v10 = v8++;
*(&v31 + v10) = v9;
v7 = v9;
v11 = (v3 - (v8 - 1)) / v8;
v12 = (v3 - (v8 - 1)) / v8;
some_int = (v3 - (v8 - 1)) / v8;
if ( (unsigned __int64)(5 * v11) > 0x5B || v11 <= 0 )
v2 = 32;
LODWORD(v14) = output(0x6020C0LL, 0x4010F3LL);// wrong formatted key file
else if ( v8 == 5 )
v36 = 0x35;
v37 = 0x3F;
v16 = 0LL;
v38 = 112;
v39 = 0x14;
v40 = 0x2E;
v41 = 0x79;
v42 = 0x6E;
v43 = 0x2F;
v44 = 0x44;
v45 = 0xD;
v46 = 0x1B;
v47 = 0x3F;
v48 = 0x3C;
v49 = 0x3E;
v50 = 0x1C;
v51 = 0x2D;
v52 = 9;
v53 = 0x24;
v54 = 0x25;
v55 = 0xB;
v56 = 0x3B;
v57 = 0xE;
v58 = 0x5E;
v59 = 0x4D;
v60 = 0x24;
v61 = 0x1A;
v62 = 0x67;
v63 = 0x3F;
v64 = 0x50;
v65 = 0x5A;
v66 = 0x60;
v67 = 4;
v68 = 0x4A;
v69 = 0x16;
v17 = v32;
v18 = v31;
v70 = 0x33;
v71 = 0x65;
v72 = 0x30;
v73 = 0x7D;
s1[v16] = *(_BYTE *)(v18 + v16) ^ *(_BYTE *)(v17 + v16);
while ( v12 > (signed int)v16 );
if ( memcmp(
v11) )
goto LABEL_39;
v19 = v34;
v20 = 0LL;
s1[v20] = *(_BYTE *)(v17 + v20) ^ *(_BYTE *)(v19 + v20) ^ 0x23;
while ( v12 > (signed int)v20 );
v30 = (const void *)v19;
if ( memcmp(s1, &aIkwozlvc4ltygr[v11], v11) )
goto LABEL_39;
v21 = v33;
v22 = 0LL;
s1[v22] = *((_BYTE *)v30 + v22) ^ *(_BYTE *)(v21 + v22);
while ( v12 > (signed int)v22 );
if ( memcmp(s1, (const void *)(2 * v11 + 0x401120LL), v11) )
goto LABEL_39;
v23 = v35;
v24 = 0LL;
s1[v24] = *((_BYTE *)v30 + v24) ^ *(_BYTE *)(v23 + v24) ^ 0x23;
while ( v12 > (signed int)v24 );
v25 = 0LL;
s1[v25] ^= *(_BYTE *)(v21 + v25);
while ( v12 > (signed int)v25 );
if ( !memcmp(s1, (const void *)(3 * v11 + 4198688LL), v11)
&& (v2 = memcmp(v30, (const void *)(4 * v11 + 4198688LL), v11)) == 0 )
v26 = 0LL;
if ( v3 > v26 )
*(&v36 + v26) ^= *(_BYTE *)(v5 + v26);
while ( v26 != 38 );
LODWORD(v27) = output(6299840LL, 0x401180LL);// program successfully registered to
LODWORD(v28) = output(v27, &v36);
v2 = 0;
LODWORD(v29) = output(6299840LL, 4198668LL);// key file not found!
v2 = 23;
LODWORD(v13) = output(0x6020C0LL, 0x4010F3LL);// wrong formatted key file
return (unsigned int)v2;
Reverse-engineering the initial few lines reveals the license needs to be named "_a\nb\tc_" and needs to be 34 bytes long as per the solution of:
((0xACD2 * v3*v3*v3*v3*v3) + (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF4F4D * v3*v3*v3*v3) + (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFB18 * v3*v3*v3) + (0x3838 * v3*v3) + (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF168E * v3)) == 0x1C5F164EF8C
The next lines of code:
v31 = v5;
v7 = v5;
v8 = 1;
while ( v3 > v7 - v5 )
v9 = v7 + 1;
if ( *(_BYTE *)v7 == 0x0A )
v10 = v8++;
*(&v31 + v10) = v9;
v7 = v9;
v11 = (v3 - (v8 - 1)) / v8;
v12 = (v3 - (v8 - 1)) / v8;
some_int = (v3 - (v8 - 1)) / v8;
if ( (unsigned __int64)(5 * v11) > 0x5B || v11 <= 0 )
v2 = 32;
LODWORD(v14) = output(0x6020C0LL, 0x4010F3LL);// wrong formatted key file
else if ( v8 == 5 )
Divide the program into newline-seperated (0x0A = "\n") chunks (of which there have to be 5) each of which is 6 bytes long. These lines are then checked against a whole series of XOR-based constraints over segments of the hardcoded buffer "iKWoZLVc4LTyGrCRedPhfEnihgyGxWrCGjvi37pnPGh2f1DJKEcQZMDlVvZpEHHzUfd4VvlMzRDINqBk;1srRfRvvUW" and finally used as a XOR key to decode an internal buffer into the flag (which will be output as the 'registration user'):
if ( v3 > v26 )
*(&v36 + v26) ^= *(_BYTE *)(v5 + v26);
while ( v26 != 38 );
LODWORD(v27) = output(6299840LL, 0x401180LL);// program successfully registered to
LODWORD(v28) = output(v27, &v36);
We encoded the series of constraints into a satisfiability problem using Z3 giving us the [following license generation script](solution/gen_license.py):
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ASISCTF Finals 2015
# @a: Smoke Leet Everyday
# @u: https://github.com/smokeleeteveryday
from z3 import *
def gen_license():
filelen = 34
filename = "_a\nb\tc_"
f = open(filename, "wb")
content = ""
x = ["iKWoZL", "Vc4LTy", "GrCRed", "PhfEni", "hgyGxW"]
s = Solver()
lines = [None]*(5*10 + 6)
for i in xrange(5):
for j in xrange(6):
lines[(i*10)+j] = BitVec((i*10)+j, 8)
for j in xrange(6):
s.add(lines[(0*10)+j] ^ lines[(1*10)+j] == ord(x[0][j]))
s.add(lines[(1*10)+j] ^ lines[(3*10)+j] ^ 0x23 == ord(x[1][j]))
s.add(lines[(3*10)+j] ^ lines[(2*10)+j] == ord(x[2][j]))
s.add(lines[(3*10)+j] ^ lines[(4*10)+j] ^ lines[(2*10)+j] ^ 0x23 == ord(x[3][j]))
s.add(lines[(3*10)+j] == ord(x[4][j]))
linez = []
# Check if problem is satisfiable before trying to solve it
if(s.check() == sat):
print "[+] Problem satisfiable, generating license :)"
sol_model = s.model()
for i in xrange(5):
s = ""
for j in xrange(6):
s += chr(sol_model[lines[(i*10)+j]].as_long())
raise Exception("[-] Problem unsatisfiable, could not generate license :(")
content += linez[0] + chr(10)
content += linez[1] + chr(10)
content += linez[2] + chr(10)
content += linez[3] + chr(10)
content += linez[4]
assert(len(content) == filelen)
Using it to generate a license and then run the program yields the following:
$ ./gen_license.py
[+] Problem satisfiable, generating license :)
$ ./license
program successfully registered to ASIS{8d2cc30143831881f94cb05dcf0b83e0}