# RockPaperScissors
## Challenge
> To get the flag you have to beat us in rock paper scissors but to make it fair we used a commitment based scheme.
> nc crypto1.ctf.nullcon.net 5000
> file: [rps.py](rps.py)
### Solution
The story is in every turn, the program chooses random 16 bytes and adds *move* and calculates the hash. These 3 hashes are shuffled and served to us in the final order. Let us analyze the hash method:
def hash(data):
state = bytearray([208, 151, 71, 15, 101, 206, 50, 225, 223, 14, 14, 106, 22, 40, 20, 2])
data = pad(data, 16)
data = group(data)
for roundkey in data:
for _ in range(round):
state = repeated_xor(state, roundkey)
for i in range(len(state)):
state[i] = sbox[state[i]]
temp = bytearray(16)
for i in range(len(state)):
temp[p[i]] = state[i]
state = temp
return hex(bytes_to_int(state))[2:]
Our data is always *[16b secret][1b move]*, so after padding: *[16b secret][1b move][15b * \x0f]*. This is split into 16b parts (roundkeys). First part is out secret, but the second can be one of 3:
```b'r'+15*b'\x0f'```, ```b'p'+15*b'\x0f'``` or ```b's'+15*b'\x0f'```.
For every *move*, the first 16b are the same, so the first iteration of hash calculation per group (roundkey) gives us the same ```status value```. Then our paths split. But nothing fancy all operation can be reversed till this point. So I 'half'-reverse calculations for each of 3 movements.
# q - inverted p
# qbox - inverted sbox
def revert(hash: str, proposal_key: bytes):
value = int(hash, 16)
state = long_to_bytes(value)
for _ in range(16):
tmp = bytearray(16)
for i in range(len(state)):
tmp[q[i]] = state[i]
state = tmp
for i in range(len(state)):
state[i] = qbox[state[i]]
state = repeated_xor(state, proposal_key)
return (chr(proposal_key[0]), bytes_to_long(state))
So for every given hash, I get 3 propositions (*move*, ```state``` after hashing unknown secret part). I need only to find ```state``` value between hashes.
def sol(hashes):
res = []
for h in hashes:
rkey = [b'p' + b'\x0f' * 15,
b'r' + b'\x0f' * 15,
b's' + b'\x0f' * 15]
calc = [revert(h, key) for key in rkey]
for i1 in range(3):
for i2 in range(3):
for i3 in range(3):
if res[0][i1][1] == res[1][i2][1] and res[1][i2][1] == res[2][i3][1]:
return res[0][i1][0]
return None