# Not Quick Enough (Misc) \[971\]
## __Description__
## __Solution__
This task asks us to provide an 1000 elements array that exceeds recursion limit (1000) during quicksort.
The pivot it chooses is the median of left bound, right bound and a random element.
If we can let pivot always be one bound element, and that element is the second biggest element in the array (this means that the other bound is the biggest element), we should be able to reach recursion limit.
a1 a2 a3 ... an an a2 a3 ... an-1 a1 an a2 a3 ...an-1 a1
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | => | | => | |
l r l r r l
In next recursion (without a1), the an should be the biggest, an-1 shoulbe be second biggest element.
An easy way to construct it is 1000 1 2 3 ... 999, and that's how I accomplished it.