Tags: github osint 


# Inferno CTF 2019 – New Developer

* **Category:** OSINT
* **Points:** 50

## Challenge

> A friend of a friend of a friend who is known for leaking info was recently hired at a game company. What can you find in their GitHub profile?
> https://github.com/iamthedeveloper123
> Author: nullpxl

## Solution

Analyzing the commits of one of its projects on Github, you can find the following.


It contains an interesting change.

printf "\nYou have lost, try going to https://pastebin.com/$CODE for help!. (And also for some secrets...) \033[0m\n"

The content of the environment variable `$CODE` can be found inside a dot file.


The value is the following.

export CODE="trpNwEPT"

So connecting to `https://pastebin.com/trpNwEPT` will give you the flag.


Original writeup (https://github.com/m3ssap0/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/Inferno%20CTF%202019/New%20Developer/README.md).