
# Powerball

## Challenge

Introducing ångstromCTF Powerball, where the Grand Prize is a flag! All you need to do is guess 6 ball values, ranging from 0 to 4095. But don't worry, we'll give one for free!

nc crypto.2019.chall.actf.co 19001

Author: defund


## Hint

This oblivious transfer protocol is straight from Wikipedia!

## Solution

From the code, it looks like some sort of RSA protocol

balls = [getRandomRange(0, 4096) for _ in range(6)]
x = [getRandomRange(0, n) for _ in range(6)]
self.write('x: {}\n'.format(x).encode())
v = int(self.query(b'v: '))
m = []
for i in range(6):
k = pow(v-x[i], d, n)
m.append((balls[i]+k) % n)
self.write('m: {}\n'.format(m).encode())
guess = []
for i in range(6):
guess.append(int(self.query('Ball {}: '.format(i+1).encode())))
if balls == guess:

Looking at the hint, we go to Wikipedia and realise it is a 1-2 oblivious transfer protocol.

It is also called 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer protocol using RSA blinding.

#### 1–2 oblivious transfer

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oblivious_transfer
- http://zoo.cs.yale.edu/classes/cs467/2013s/lectures/ln23.pdf
- https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/8862

This is the implementation.

# 1. Alice has two messages, m0, m1, and wants to send exactly one of
# them to Bob. Bob does not want Alice to know which one he receives.

# 2. Alice generates an RSA key pair, comprising the modulus N,
# the public exponent e and the private exponent d.

# 3. She also generates two random values, x0, x1 and sends them to Bob
# along with her public modulus and exponent.

# 4. Bob picks b to be either 0 or 1, and selects either the first or second xb.

# 5. He generates a random value k and blinds xb by
# computing v=(xb + k^e) mod N, which he sends to Alice.

# 6. Alice doesn't know (and hopefully cannot determine) which of x0 and x1 Bob chose.
# She applies both of her random values and comes up with two possible values for k:
# k0 =(v-x0)^d mod N and k1 =(v-x1)^d mod N
# One of these will be equal to k and can be correctly decrypted by Bob (but not Alice),
# while the other will produce a meaningless random value that does not reveal any
# information about k.

# 7. She combines the two secret messages with each of the possible keys,
# m'0=m0+k0 and m'1=m1+k1, and sends them both to Bob.

# 8. Bob knows which of the two messages can be unblinded with k, so he is able to compute exactly one of the messages m0=m'0-k0 and m1=m'1-k1.

From this, I extracted a few equations.

All these in modulo N

// Sending choice, b, to alice
v = (xb + k^e)
k0 = (v-x0)^d
k0 = ((xb + k^e)-x0)^d
k0 = ((xb-x0 + k^e)^d

If xb=x0 Then
k0 = k

// Bob unblinding messages
# m'0 = m0 + k

How do we extract the other messages?

If you look carefully, the size of `m` (balls) is very small. It is only within 0 to 4096

balls = [getRandomRange(0, 4096) for _ in range(6)]

After some thinking, the fastest method is to do a forward bruteforce and compare results.

Bruteforce technique

I have m'1=m1+k1

Since 0 <= m1 <= 4096,
there are 4096 possibilities of k1

Given k1 = (xb-x1 + k^e)^d,
Find k1^e = (xb-x1 + k^e)^ed
k1^e = (xb-x1 + k^e) ---------- (Eqn 1)

From Alice's message calculate k1^e also
k1 = m'1 - m1, where m1 is bruteforced
k1^e = (m'1 - m1)^2 ---------- (Eqn 2)

With (Eqn 1) and (Eqn 2) find the one that matches
and that will be the correct m.

Final script: [solve.py](solve.py)

$ python3 solve.py
Received: ************ ANGSTROMCTF POWERBALL ************
Correctly guess all 6 ball values ranging from 0
to 4095 to win the jackpot! As a special deal,
we'll also let you secretly view a ball's value!

x: ...

v: ...

Found m[0] = 3012
Found m[1] = 3825
Found m[2] = 422
Found m[3] = 3160
Found m[4] = 3217
Found m[5] = 2867
Received: Ball 1:
Received: Ball 2:
Received: Ball 3:
Received: Ball 4: Ball 5: Ball 6: JACKPOT!!!

## Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/zst-ctf/angstromctf-2019-writeups/tree/master/Solved/Powerball).