# Web Challenge
Lots of wrestlers. nice.
## 100 points: WrestlerBook
WrestlerBook is the social network for wrestlers, by wrestlers. WrestlerBook is exclusively for wrestlers, so if you didn't get an invite don't even bother trying to view our profiles.
Author: dmaria
Opening the website:

It's a simple login screen, and being a basic web challenge, it's probably SQLi (SQL injection). First thing I do is try to login using '`' or '1'='1`' as both the username and the password. It works, but all you get is this:

Looks like its going to be a bit more work than I thought. However, looking at the user info, there appears to be a flag section that's just empty for this user. Perhaps '`flag`' is a column in the database. I used the LIKE operator to test for an entry that contains '`sun`'. My payload therefore becomes:
username: `' or flag LIKE '%sun%' or '1'='2`
password: `' or '1'='2`
The `'1'='2` part of each section allows me to incorporate the ending quote while not afecting the query, since '1' is never equal to '2'. My payload worked:
flag: `sun{ju57_4n07h3r_5ql1_ch4ll}`
## 150 points: Wrestler Name Generator
Even better than the Wu-Tang name generator, legend has it that Hulk Hogan used this app to get his name.
Author: dmaria
Opening the website, we're greeted with this colorful page:
Viewing the page's source code gets us this gem of a script:
document.getElementById("button").onclick = function() {
var firstName = document.getElementById("firstName").value;
var lastName = document.getElementById("lastName").value;
var input = btoa("<input><firstName>" + firstName + "</firstName><lastName>" + lastName+ "</lastName></input>");
window.location.href = "/generate.php?input="+encodeURIComponent(input);
Searching up XML exploitations, it appears as though this challenge will be XXE, or XML External Entity. But what are we trying to do? I pressed the "Generate" button with empty fields and got this page:
Opening the sourcecode, we see the following comment:
It's clear that we need to access this from server-side and direct the output to client-side. We can do this by loading in an external entity into any of the fields, so that when the website parses the `<lastname>` tag and puts it onto the page, we see the external entity. After searching, I got the following xml:
This loads the page from server side and stores it into an entity called 'test'. `&tes;;` calls the value of the entity as the value between the lastName tags, so we should see something when we go to the website with that XML sent as the payload. How do we send it? Luckily, the url has a parameter '`input`' that is set equal to a base64 string. Returning to the first page, we see that the function `btoa` encodes its argument into base64, so we need to convert our exploit to base64:
Finally, URLencoding it gets us:
Going to the site (post-competition url, during competition domain was `ng.sunshinectf.org/`):
This nets us the flag:
flag: `sun{1_l0v3_hulk_7h3_3x73rn4l_3n717y_h064n}`
## 150 points: Portfolio
Check out my development portfolio! I'm just getting started, so don't be too mean :(
Author: dmaria
Going to the first link, we see:
This suggests that this is a Flask exploit. Since the url is 'http://folio.sunshinectf.org:19009/hello/name', I tried changing `name` to see what would happen. Sure enough, the page updated to match. From there, I tried the standard procedure to determine what template the server was using by plugging in `{{7*7}}` and `{7*7}`. Neither resulted in the webpage displaying 49, which told me either the page wasn't vulnerable, or that the braces were being filtered.
I then moved onto the second link.
Looking at the webpage and its sourcecode, it appears that we can load some templates. I first tried changing the value of the first option to be the commented out `admin.html` template, but that didn't return anything useful. But then I had an idea; what if we accessed the first page from this page? Perhaps the filtering is only server side. I did this with Postman:
But you could have done this by changing the source code with inspect to:
Anyway, `{{5*5}}` evaluated to 25, so the page is vulnerable after all. The first thing I check from here is always the `{{config}}`:
flag: `sun{5l33333p_15_f0r_7h3_w34k}`
## 300 points: Enter the Polygon 1
These photos are The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be. Give me your photos I'll EXAMINE if they meet the bar.
Author: Astor
## 300 points: Enter the Polygon 2