Oh no !
We encoded the flag but we don't know how to decode it ..
We attach the encode php code , try to reverse it and decode the flag
We know that the first character is 'r' so executing the php several times we get that the randkey is 5.
To decrypt the flag we can use a python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import string
def encode(iput):
dicc = {}
randkey = 5
for i in iput:
dicc[ord(i) - 5] = i
return dicc
def decode(dicc, iput):
out = ''
for i in iput:
if int(i) in dicc:
out += dicc[int(i)]
return out
dicc = encode(string.printable)
flag = ''.split('.')
print decode(dicc, flag)
![alt text](https://github.com/manulqwerty/CTF-Stuff/blob/master/RADARCTF/Random/1.png)