# Miscellaneous Challenges
Good place to start and warm up. Some challenging ones too.
## 5 points: DiscordSlam
I heard there's a new bout going on in some new arena. It sounded like the arena's name was "Disboard". ¯\(ツ)/¯.
Better go check it out!
Flag is in the banner of the #lobby channel
Author: Helithumper
Pretty simple. Join the discord.

flag: `sun{w3lcom3_t0_d1Sc0RdM4n1A!!!}`
## 75 points: Brainmeat
I am having a beef with someone that is so bad I cant even think! He sent me a message but I think he was having a stroke. Please decipher the message while I beat them up.
Author: Aleccoder
Opening brainmeat.txt gives us:
It looks like gibberish at first glance, but all non-alphanumeric characters consist of `>`, `<`, `[`, `]`, `+`, `-`, and `.`; combined with the title `Brainmeat`, this immediately calls to mind the esoteric programming language Brainfuck. Luckily, Brainfuck interpreters ignore all invalid characters. Copypaste the code into an online interpreter, and you get:
flag: `sun{fuck_the-brain#we!got^beef}`
## 75 points: Middle Ocean
I made a deal with Hulch Hogan (Hulk Hogan's brother) for a treasure map can you get the treaure for me?
Flag format is SUN{}
Author: Aleccoder
Opening the file gives us this:
I didn't know what these were, so I googled it. And it turns out that these were coordinates, and Google Maps accepted them. I plotted them all on Google Maps:

Not immediately getting anything, I tried to figure out the system of coordinates that it was using. This turned out to be a red herring; it didn't matter and I came up fruitless anyway. Where the flag was truly hiding was the typical latitude-longitude coordinates that they corresponded to. In the image above, you can see the latitude and longitude of the fourth point from `treasure_map.txt`. All together:
83.00006, 85.00006
78.00006, 123.00006
77.00006, 52.00006
57.00006, 53.00006
45.00006, 102.00006
33.00006, 125.00006
Drop the `.00006` that they all share, and they suspiciously look like ascii codes. Using this site (make sure to put a 0 before two digit codes for it to work), you get the flag.
flag: `SUN{M495-f!}`
## 100 points: Big Bad
The Big Bad Wolf has entered the ring. He can HUFF, he can puff, but can he blow this house down?
Author: Mesaj2000
Attached below that is a png of a binary tree called BigBad.png:

The problem description has `HUFF` in all caps, so searching up `Huff Binary Tree` returns Huffman Encoding. You can read up on it yourself, but its actually not really required for this challenge. All you need to know is that each letter is assigned a binary string based on the path you take from the root to the respective node; the more often a character appears, the shorter the string is. Taking the left path is a `0`, taking the right is a `1`.
But we don't have any data to follow down the tree, so we have to look for that. A good tool that I installed a while ago is `stegsolve.jar`. You can get it here. Run it with `java -jar stegsolve.jar`, open up the image, and start flicking through the image planes with the arrows on the bottom. In any of the LSB planes (Red/Blue/Green Plane 0), a barcode pattern appears. Its not actually a barcode though, just binary (black = 0, white = 1).

The fastest way to extract this info for me was to just take a screen shot. It introduced some noise at the end and cut off a bit of the data at the end, but luckily it wasn't too much (oops). Each pixel was one piece of data, since it matched what I expected the data to start with (`sun{` encoded becomes `000001010010110`, which aligned with the pixels by eye). I wasn't about to do this by hand, so I wrote a python script to help me. If you don't have the Pillow library installed, now would be a good time to get it.
My code looked like this:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("data.png")
string = ''
for x in range(im.width):
pixel = im.load()[x,35] //just a random row in the middle of the image
avg = (pixel[0]+pixel[1]+pixel[3])/3 //the pixels weren't perfectly black or white
if avg > 127:
string += '1'
string += '0'
string = string[2:] //removing noise from the beginning
print string
dict = {
'000': 's',
'010': '0',
'0010' : 'u',
'0011' : '_',
'0110' : 'd',
'0111' : '9',
'1000' : '5',
'1100' : '1',
'10101' : 'a',
'10010' : 'n',
'10011' : 'h',
'10100' : 'l',
'10110' : 'e',
'10111' : 'b',
'11011' : '}',
'11010' : '{',
'11100' : 'r',
'11101' : 'c',
'11110' : 'k',
'11111' : '3'
while string != '':
for x in range(3,6):
if string[:x] in dict:
print dict[string[:x]],
string = string[x:]
Unfortunately, my screenshot cut off a bit, so the while loop never terminated. But I was just missing the last brace, so I got the flag anyway. On a side note, there was a period in time where I was stuck because I forgot to add the key-value pair for 'a' into the dictionary. Anyway, my program returned the flag.
flag: `sun{sh0ulda_u5ed_br1cks_1001130519}`