Tags: grabbag
# Journey to the Center of the File (Grab Bag 100)
We're given a file to download. Let's have a look at it.
$ file flag
flag: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 400k
Alright, it's bzip2. Easy enough.
$ bzip2 -d flag
bzip2: Can't guess original name for flag -- using flag.out
$ file flag.out
flag.out: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
Alright. Now we have a zip. Again, nothing special.
$ unzip flag.out
Archive: flag.out
inflating: flag
$ file flag
flag: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 400k
bzip2, again.
$ bzip2 -f -d flag
bzip2: Can't guess original name for flag -- using flag.out
$ file flag.out
flag.out: ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
(`-f` just forces bzip2 to overwrite the old flag.out file)
ASCII text. Let's see here...
$ head -c 1000 flag.out
Looks like base64 encoded data. That's easy enough to handle.
$ base64 -d flag.out > base64-decoded
$ file base64-decoded
base64-decoded: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 400k
I think we're starting to see a pattern...
This file is essentially just wrapped in a bunch of layers, like an onion. There are three main things we're dealing with here: bzip2, gzip, zip, and base64. It would be tremendously impractical for us to do it by hand, so we can make a program to do it for us.
This is a super inelegant and choppy Python script I wrote to handle this. This isn't representative of my Python skills, but under a time limit, elegance becomes secondary.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
from subprocess import *
def getType(fName):
return os.popen("file %s" % fName).read().split(":")[1].split()[0]
def bz(fName):
os.popen("bzip2 -f -d %s" % fName)
return fName + ".out"
def zp(fName):
return os.popen("unzip -o %s" % fName).readlines()[1].split(":")[1].strip("\n").lstrip().rstrip()
def ac(fName):
process = Popen("base64 --decode %s > tmp" % fName, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = process.communicate()
if b"invalid" in err:
print("We finally got it!")
os.popen("mv tmp %s" % fName )
return fName
def gz(fName):
os.popen("mv %s %s.gz; gzip -d -f %s.gz" % (fName, fName, fName) )
return fName
def main():
fName = "flag"
tDone = False
while not tDone:
fType = getType(fName)
print(fName, fType)
if fType == "bzip2":
fName = bz(fName)
elif fType == "Zip":
fName = zp(fName)
elif fType == "ASCII":
fName = ac(fName)
elif fType == "gzip":
fName = gz(fName)
if __name__ == "__main__":
After letting it run, it'll let you know when all the layers have been peeled, and the flag is availble for you.