Tags: crypto
[Z3r0 C00l Bruh!]
Hackers keep secrets.
1. We are presented a file with the name "hackers.jpeg"
2. After running some diagnostic on it e.g strings, we can see that there is something off with the headers of the file
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/95Ote39.png)
4. As I've done a lot of stego my self, this is obviously used with steghide, as it presents these headers / hexinfo
5. I unlocked the hints as my bruteforce didn't go as planned in terms of extracting the embedded file
6. After i while, i thought why not try "neverlanctf" for the password of the picture
7. steghide extract -sf hackers.jpeg --passphrase neverlanct
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/9q4TPMl.png)
8. Cat the output of the file "Ohno.txt" presents us with the following:
I wonder what this is????
9. Firstly i thought it was base64 (it was not)
10. Secondly i thought it was a caesar cipher / rot 13 (it was not)
11. Thidrdly i thought it was a Viginere cipher
12. It was a Viginere with the password "hackers" (as the hint gave us "what are they")
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/Ag2OGOh.png)
The result of the decryptet message:
13. Tried first "Yourflagismyfavoritemovie"
14. Tried second "myfavoritemovie"
15. Success!
hint1: Most CTF keys are the name of the CTF but not all.
hint2: What Are they?