# __X-MAS CTF 2018__
## _Santa's list_
## Information
**Category:** | **Points:** | **Writeup Author**
--- | --- | ---
Crypto | 286 | MiKHalyCH
> Santa's database got corrupted and now he doesn't know who was nice anymore... Can you help him find out if Galf was nice?
>Server: nc 16001
>Author: SoulTaku
## Solution
Every connection creates new `rsa = RSA.generate(1024)`. `N` is 1024 bits length (that is unknown), `e = 0x10001`.
We can encrypt everything. But our message would be added to `used` list (that contains flag from start).
Also we can decrypt everything, which result isn't devisible by elements of `used`. So we can't decrypt `flag` as it is.
Let's define `ct = E(flag) = (flag ** e) % N`.
And we need to undestand some RSA properties:
D(ct**k) =
= (ct**k)**d % N =
= (ct**d)**k % N =
= (ct**d % N)**k % N =
= ((flag**e)**d % N)**k % N =
= (flag**(e**d) % N)**k % N =
= (flag % N)**k % N =
= flag**k % N
D(ct*(i**e)) =
= ct*(i**e)**d % N =
= (flag**e)*(i**e)**d % N =
= ((flag*i)**e)**d % N =
= (flag*i)*(e**d) % N =
= flag*i % N
Firstly we need to find `N`. I notice that `flag**2 < N < flag**3`. It was the good idea to calculate `N`:
while True:
<create new session>
m1 = D(ct**3)
m2 = D(ct**3 * 2**e)
if 2*m1 != m2:
N = 2*m1 - m2
How it works?
(2*m1 != m2) % N => 2*m1 = m2 + N => N = 2*m1 - m2
Now we can encrypt messages by client side. How to find the flag? From fact that we can decrypt, I thought about Oracle Attack and found an interesting question about [RSA Least Significant Bit Padding Oracle](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/11053/rsa-least-significant-bit-oracle-attack) on crypto.stackexchange.com.
Let's define bounds at the start of algorithm:
LowerBound = 0
UpperBound = N
In this attack we are trying to bring closer the bounds to our secret message.
At the first try we will send to decrypt `ct*(2**e)` and recieve `m' = m*2 % N -> m*2 = m' + k*N`.
* If `m'` is even, then `m*2 < N`. We need to reduce `UB`.
* If `m'` is odd, then `m*2 > N`. We need to increase `LB`.
We need to do this `log_2(N)` times increasing the multiplier twice each step.
To reduce the final bounds' size of `flag`, I've used `flag**2` and `iroot` then.
This is my interpretation of RSA LSB PO:
l = log_2(N)
LB, UB = 0, N
for i in range(1, l):
ct = (pow(ct, 2) * pow(2, i*e, N)) % N
m = D(ct)
if m is None or not (m % 2):
UB = (UB + LB)//2
LB = (UB + LB)//2
flag = iroot(UB, 2)
My final solution is [here](solver.py)! And it works well!
## _Santa's list 2.0_
## Information
**Category:** | **Points:** | **Writeup Author**
--- | --- | ---
Crypto | 328 | MiKHalyCH, a1exdandy
>Santa's MechaGnomes caught up to some intense traffic on their servers so they decided to modify santa's database server to be DDoS-proof but it still is corrupted, find out if Galf was nice or not but try not to DDoS the server.
>Server: nc 16002
>Author: SoulTaku
## Solution
This task looks same, but we can encrypt/decrypt just 5 times per one connection.
We know that we can calculate `N` just in 2 requests. 3 left for flag RSA LSB PO. But this attack works only if we use same `N`. This time we need to create new solution!
My idea was simple. If we can find `k`: `flag**(k-1) < N` and `flag**k > N` then we can calculate `flag`:
flag * 2**k % N = m' % N
flag * 2**k = m' + N
flag = (m' + N) // 2**k
To find `k` faster we can use `flag**2` and then take square root of it.
Here is my [solution](solver_2.py) for second task.
## P.S.
_SoulTaku_ said that there is solution that uses only 2 requests to server. And _a1exdandy_ found an intersting [idea](solver_2_fast.py) for it.
Firstly he collects 2 pairs of `(flag**3, N)`:
ns = []
m3s = []
while len(ns) < 2:
<create new session>
m1 = D(ct**3)
m2 = D(ct**3 * 2**e)
if 2*m1 != m2:
N = 2*m1 - m2
At the second step he uses [Chinese remainder theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_remainder_theorem) to the real value of `flag**3` without modulus.