
# Silly Rick
Points: 100

Silly rick always forgets his email's password, so he uses a Stored Password Services online to store his password. He always copy and paste the password so he will not get it wrong. whats rick's email password?

# Solution:

Rick used stored password services and used copy and paste. Sounds like a job for `clipboard`

$ python vol.py -f OtterCTF.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x64 clipboard
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Session WindowStation Format Handle Object Data
---------- ------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ --------------------------------------------------
1 WinSta0 CF_UNICODETEXT 0x602e3 0xfffff900c1ad93f0 M@il_Pr0vid0rs
1 WinSta0 CF_TEXT 0x10 ------------------
1 WinSta0 0x150133L 0x200000000000 ------------------
1 WinSta0 CF_TEXT 0x1 ------------------
1 ------------- ------------------ 0x150133 0xfffff900c1c1adc0

##### Flag: CTF{M@il_Pr0vid0rs}

Original writeup (https://github.com/aadityapurani/My-CTF-Solutions/blob/master/otterctf-2018/memory-forensics/SillyRick.md).