Tags: misc
## hardDOS [MISC 497]
Paying attention is mitey important! (Difficulty: Hard)
nc 12345
<font color="red">HARD!</font>
BADboy17{ ;) }
# Writeup:
Let's Start! The Challenge Prompts us to connect to the target .Then it gives us 3 choices to make(**2nd**) is real deal here.
Then it asks us to find the flag and gives us the Y/N option,
Although both the options are same :laughing: Then comes the interesting part, We start by issuing the command _echo ls_ . This gives a list of some DOS installation files. A lot of time was wasted in this step , first for guessing the right command and then to check all the files one by one with that command.
The commmand was _file FILENAME_ and the file was _GRAPHICS.COM_ . Next step was to check for good looking strings in that file
by _strings FILENAME_ command and BTOOOM!!
# The FLAG was there.
## TUCTF{4LW4Y5_1NF3C7_7H353_19742_BY735}