Tags: crypto
# RSAyyyy [Reverse 358 points]
### Chall's description
This challenge is designed to give an overview
of the RSA algorithm. If you have a team member
that is less familiar with RSA that wants to be,
give this challenge to them. This might be useful.
nc 12345
#### Link
## Solution
This is a "educational" chall; we enjoyed to do it to `refresh` our RSA knowledge.
There are multiple tasks that help you to understand how RSA works (with some math's help)
### Level 1: Calculating
p = 2800941491
q = 4071798539
What is n?
#### Answer
#### Explanation
From the formula n = p*q
### Level 2: Calculating m
message = "hover exculpatory broadminded Bromley constructible"
What is m?
#### Answer
Congratulations! You beat Level 2!
Now, we are going to actually calculate ciphertext.
#### Explanation(Code)
message = "hover exculpatory broadminded Bromley constructible"
''.join([hex(ord(x))[2:] for x in message]) # <--- hex value
int(''.join([hex(ord(x))[2:] for x in message]),16) # <--- int value
### Level 3: Calculating c
p = 2871875029
q = 3482439599
What is n?
#1 <===
e = 65537
m = 7089056601674313572
What is c?
#2 <===
Congratulations! You beat Level 3!
In order for RSA to be asymmetrical,
the private exponent, d, needs to be calculated.
#### Answer and Explanation
For the formula n = p*q
n = 2871875029 * 3482439599
= 10001131324368873371
m^e mod(n) = (7089056601674313572 ** 65537) % 10001131324368873371
= 8733466864177587635
### Level 4: Calculating d
p = 3361037497
q = 3507131801
What is tot(n)?
#1 <===
Whoop whoop!
e = 65537
What is d?
#2 <===
Nice job!
Congratulations! You beat Level 4!
The easiest way to break RSA is factoring n, if it is possible.
#### Answer and Explanation
For the formula tot(n) = (p-1) * (q-1)
tot(n) = (3361037497-1)*(3507131801-1) = 11787601483213972800
e = 65537
tot(n) = 11787601483213972800
mulinv(e, tot(n)) = 1841065181228591873
#### Code from [Wikibooks](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Mathematics/Extended_Euclidean_algorithm)
def xgcd(b, a):
x0, x1, y0, y1 = 1, 0, 0, 1
while a != 0:
q, b, a = b // a, a, b % a
x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1
y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1
return b, x0, y0
# x = mulinv(b) mod n, (x * b) % n == 1
def mulinv(b, n):
g, x, _ = xgcd(b, n)
if g == 1:
return x % n
print(mulinv(65537, 11787601483213972800))
#### Link
### Level 5: Factoring n
n = 9613631774438905337
What is p?
#### Answer
Congratulations! You beat Level 5!
Now, let's put everything together and break RSA!
#### Explanation
[[[on Wolframalpha]]]
factor 9613631774438905337
2718200299 x 3536763563 (2 distinct prime factors)
-> 9613631774438905337 / 2718200299 = 3536763563
I think you could use the other number as the answer but I didn't test it.
#### Link
### Level 6: Breaking simple RSA
c = 1940747889140053401
n = 11191414813257978223
e = 65537
What is p?
#1 <===
That was adequate.
What is q?
#2 <===
Way to go!
What is tot(n)?
#3 <===
Whoop whoop!
What is d?
#4 <===
Finally, what is m?
#5 <===
Nice job!
Congratulations! You beat Level 6!
Congratulations on finishing this introduction to RSA!
I hope this was fun and informative.
Here's your flag:
#### Code and Tools
##### Answer and Explanation
2749593919 (see below how we catch this result)
From the formula n = p*q -> q = n/p
q = int(11191414813257978223/2749593919) = 4070206417
From the formula tot(n) = (p-1) * (q-1)
tot(n) = (2749593919-1) * (4070206417-1) = 11191414806438177888
e = 65537
tot(n) = 11191414806438177888
d = mulinv(e, tot(n)) = 9196881566601171041 (we reused the solution #5)
[[[on Wolframalpha]]]
(1940747889140053401^9196881566601171041) mod 11191414813257978223
Result: 8244229906027274615
##### RsaCtfTool (#1)
./RsaCtfTool.py -n 11191414813257978223 -e 65537 --verbose --private
RsaCtfTool output and redirect on a file:
echo '''-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----''' > priv.key
##### Python code (#1)
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
public_key = RSA.importKey(open('priv.key', 'r').read())
# Answer 2749593919
# The Flag:
## Refs Summary