Tags: misc language
## APL
### description:
Dr. W gave me an old program of his... Can you tell me what it does?
(Difficulty: Easy)
### solution:
To solve this challenge, some important context is knowing that APL is a fairly
dated programming language. A quick search brought me to
[this APL interpreter](https://tryapl.org/)
I pasted the context of the text file like so:
![interpreter screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blue-hens/tuctf2018/master/apl/tryapl.png)
looking at the value of the variable `a` gives this array:
84 85 67 84 70 123 119 82 105 84 101 95 79 110 76 121 95 73 115 95 72 97 82 100 95 84 111 95 82 101 65 100 125
converting all of these values into ascii characters is simple in python:
s = "84 85 67 84 70 123 119 82 105 84 101 95 79 110 76 121 95 73 115 95 72 97 82 100 95 84 111 95 82 101 65 100 125"
print ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in s.split()])
which yields this: