
Problem Name : BUTTONS
Problem statement (250 points):

There is a website running at http://2018shell2.picoctf.com:18342 (link). Try to see if you can push their buttons.

Hints given :

What's different about the two buttons?


As i opened the websit a button with tag Push me was there and after pressing the button another window with opened with a hyperlink named as button2 was there but it was not a button.On clicking that i was redirected to some other page with no flag.So using the hint i saw the source code of 2nd page and tried to changed that hyperlink to a button format.

The orignal code was :

You did it! Try the next button: Button2

and i changed it this way using code of button 1 just change the link in button1 source to button2.php:
<form action="button2.php" method="POST">
<input type="submit" value="PUSH ME! I am your only hope!"/>

and after clicking the button i was awarded with flag :

Well done, your flag is: picoCTF{button_button_whose_got_the_button_25a99f84}

Original writeup (https://github.com/d4rkvaibhav/PICOCTF-2018/tree/master/WEB_EXPLOITATION/BUTTONS).