Tags: morse audio
> There is no "hackover18{*}" in the word. the solution has to be inserted as hackover18{mysolution}.
> Format: all lowercase, words split by space, no numbers
**Files provided**
- [`challenge.mp4`](https://github.com/EmpireCTF/empirectf/blob/master/writeups/2018-10-05-Hackover-CTF/files/hummel.mp4)
We get an ... interesting video with a farting unicorn. First of all we can convert it to sound only, since the video is actually irrelevant:
$ ffmpeg -i hummel.mp4 hummel.mp3
Then we can open it e.g. in Soundbooth:
The noises seem too well timed and systematic. In fact, it is easy to see that there are clearly short ones and long ones, and there are longer pauses every now and then. So it is [Morse code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code)!
Transcribing the noises, we get:
.--. --- . - .-. -.-- / .. -. ... .--. .. .-. . -.. / -... -.-- / -... .- -.- . -.. / -... . .- -. .....
Which translates to:
poetry inspired by baked bean5
This didn't get accepted, but after messaging the admin the last `5` should have been an `s`, so we got our flag.
`hackover18{poetry inspired by baked beans}`