Tags: avl-tree misc 


# CSAW CTF 2018: bin_t

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## Description
Binary trees let you do some interesting things. Can you balance a tree?
```nc misc.chal.csaw.io 9001```
Equal nodes should be inserted to the right of the parent node. You should balance the tree as you add nodes.

## Summary
Create a Python script that inserts all values given by server into an AVL tree and that traverse it in preorder

## Flag

## Detailed solution
We find a [gist](https://gist.github.com/girish3/a8e3931154af4da89995) with an implementation of *AVL trees* in *Python*. Over this code, we construct our preorder traverse function, `preorder_traverse()`.
In the main script, we get the values(that must be entered in the tree) with **pwntools**. After that, these values are introduced into a new `AVLTree` object and we call `preorder_traverse()` function whose result is sent to the server. Then, we receive the flag.

Original writeup (https://github.com/iosifache/CTF-writeups/blob/master/misc/bin_t/writeup.md).