Tags: dlp crypto pohlig-hellman
Rating: 1.0
//Solution to Marty0sk1 (type: Cryptography) , in the SEC-T CTF 2018
Category: Crypto
Challenge Points: 51
Solves: 60+
Service: nc crypto.sect.ctf.rocks 2222
As soon as you connect to the service through your terminal,
you are given three numbers: p, g, and g^x. They demand x saying:
'Gimme exponent pl0x'
:(you have to enter x here)
//the value of g^x keeps changing everytime you reconnect to the service
Now as the hint to the problem read 'discrete logarithms are hard', we guess this is a DLP(Discrete logarithm problem).
The discrete logarithm problem is to find the Exponent in the expression:
Base^Exponent = Power (mod Modulus)
Here, our Base is g (here 2), Modulus is p, and Power is g^x value.
You could find x manually (xD) or just use any online DLP Calculator. Eg: https://www.alpertron.com.ar/DILOG.HTM
(Tip: if you get a value like 3360 + 3930 k, we just take the value before the '+' eg. here we would take 3360)
Here the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm is implemented.
Once you get the value of x, you enter it. And boom!
Here's your flag:
Yes, Matryoshka the Russian Doll.