# Blind Date (573 Points)
My mom got me a date with someone! she sent me an image but i cannot open it. I don't want it to be a blind date. Can you help me?
and a jpeg file (xyz.jpg)
Checking the hex of xyz.jpg showed that every 4 bytes were reversed
Running strings on this image gave Base64 encoded string:
which on decoding gave a braille text
``` .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . ..
. . . . . . . .
.. .. . .. . .
Which translated to F4C3P4LM (will be used to later)
The header should have ffd8ffe0 instead of e0ffd8ff
Using blind.py, the bits were reversed which gave the image
using Binwalk, a hidden zip file(96DA.zip) was extracted, which was opened with 7z with the password F4C3P4LM
and it gave us flag.txt
Flag.txt had brainfuck code
Decoding the brainfuck code
gave us the Flag:noxCTF{W0uld_y0u_bl1nd_d4t3_4_bl1nd_d4t3?}