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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
246WolvCTF 2025452.00001.637
526VishwaCTF 2025300.00001.126
350ACECTF 1.0800.00002.122
703BroncoCTF 20251.00000.034
725LA CTF 2025322.00000.734
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
255RSTCON 2024 CTF (Online/Hybrid)175.00000.617
228Mapna CTF 2024107.00000.553
1117UofTCTF 202410.00000.038
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
336BackdoorCTF 2023882.00001.497
107Hackappatoi CTF '23570.00001.995
180BlueHens CTF 2023648.00001.001
487DEADFACE CTF 2023310.00001.076
372PatriotCTF 20231205.00002.075
48h4ckc0n 2023255.00002.214
450UIUCTF 2023150.00001.599
529Google Capture The Flag 202350.00000.824
676NahamCon CTF 2023517.00000.940
495n00bzCTF 2023823.00000.994
298BYUCTF 2023927.00000.895
497HeroCTF v594.00000.226
313UMDCTF 2023463.00000.993
360TAMUctf 2023318.00000.859
83vikeCTF 2023323.00003.060
17FooBar CTF 20231046.00008.631
276UTCTF 2025 2023100.00000.397
210Incognito 4.01131.00001.919
1550xL4ughCTF 2023400.00001.454
323LA CTF 20232070.00003.329
298idekCTF 2022*480.00000.621
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
169NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 565.00001.185
29BSides Mumbai CTF 20221015.00003.290
174Hackappatoi CTF '22150.00000.489
154Shakti CTF450.00000.000
208TUCTF 2022488.00001.020
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
135RTLxHA CTF 2175.00001.826
173Cyber Grabs CTF 0x0270.00000.420
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
314X-MAS CTF 2020174.00000.000
42boot2root 20202743.00004.621
210Newark Academy CTF 20202400.00004.423
212CyberYoddha CTF 20203425.00006.281
695MetaCTF CyberGames 20201275.00001.951
107b01lers CTF bootcamp1535.00006.121
142RESTCON CTF474.00000.596
148UNICORN CTF 2020250.00000.292
506TJCTF 2020185.00001.493
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
3731picoCTF 20194000.00000.000

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