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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
445LA CTF 20251136.00002.494
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
106Content Creators Club CTF500.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
6April Fools' GTF 20172318.00000.000

Overall rating place: 688 with 14.896 pts in 2016

Country place: 38

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
253CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2016575.00002.795
112Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2nd 2016460.00004.237
127Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 2016550.00006.666
40Break In 2016320.00001.198

Overall rating place: 252 with 40.432 pts in 2015

Country place: 21

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2039447 Security Society CTF 2015270.00001.872
144TUM CTF Teaser20.00000.430
298EKOPARTY CTF 201550.00000.587
145CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20151950.000011.646
30MMA CTF 1st 20151260.000010.023
60Camp CTF 2015375.00000.888
167PoliCTF 2015350.00002.303
92ASIS CTF Quals 2015525.00003.065
122VolgaCTF 2015 Quals750.00003.105
109Teaser CONFidence CTF 2015100.00000.254
365BackdoorCTF 20150.00000.000
2970CTF 2015 Quals10.00000.139
96BCTF 2015335.00003.082
15B-Sides Vancouver 20151460.00003.037

Overall rating place: 184 with 61.894 pts in 2014

Country place: 14

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2139447 Security Society CTF 2014101.00000.720 CTF 20141520.000012.739
308Defcamp CTF Qualification 2014500.00000.487
128ASIS CTF Finals 2014275.00002.142
40Sharif University CTF 20141655.00009.254
190CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20141910.000013.029
128No cON Name CTF Quals 2014400.00003.065
55Pwnium CTF 20141326.00006.516
51backdoorCTF 20141440.000013.942
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points CTF 20131.00000.196
426CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20131250.00006.191

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