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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 631 with 19.871 pts in 2025

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
671UTCTF 2025200.00001.006
150Pearl CTF650.00002.667
338VishwaCTF 2025800.00002.944
553PwnMe CTF Quals 2025100.00000.301
251ApoorvCTF 2025473.00001.121
407ACECTF 1.0600.00001.599
236TRX CTF 2025100.00000.419
360Kashi CTF 2025400.00000.817
419BroncoCTF 202562.00000.176
306EHAX CTF 2025100.00000.303
466LA CTF 2025998.00002.198
71Pragyan CTF 2025110.00000.000
844BITSCTF 202550.00000.137
105KnightCTF 20252055.00006.799
1048IrisCTF 202550.00000.200

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