Also known as
  • coder101
  • vikramHasLanded
  • wr47h1

Academic team IIT (BHU), Varanasi

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CTF team from IIT (BHU) Varanasi

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
616HSCTF 7853.00001.265
400Pwn2Win CTF 202050.00000.813
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
114hxp 36C3 CTF131.00001.227
462TUCTF 20191661.00003.396
183RITSEC CTF 20191122.00001.933
97Pwn2Win CTF 2019124.00001.742
165Newbie CTF(N-CTF) 20191841.00000.000
151TastelessCTF 20191.00000.171
448Balsn CTF 2019106.00000.387
31BSides Delhi CTF 20192305.00003.619
258PwnThyBytes CTF 20191.00000.100
257Teaser Dragon CTF 201968.00000.799
68InCTF 2019486.00002.742
511Real World CTF 2019 Quals34.00000.360
387CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019101.00000.901
204DefCamp CTF Qualification 20192.00000.119
112Affinity CTF 2019 - Quals461.00001.559
720N1CTF 201912.00000.076
474TokyoWesterns CTF 5th 201963.00001.862
164Chaos Communication Camp 201981.00000.640
317redpwnCTF 2019350.00000.686
560De1CTF 201928.00000.104
877DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2019100.00001.625
471CONFidence CTF 2019 Teaser1.00000.062
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
962X-MAS CTF 201826.00000.073
1670picoCTF 20185560.00000.000
302CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2018576.00003.237
167h4ckc0n 2018205.00003.123
621ASIS CTF Quals 201816.00000.239
342WPICTF 201818.00000.158
164HITB-XCTF GSEC CTF 2018 Quals59.00000.213
135Byte Bandits CTF 20181.00000.193
231UIUCTF 20182.00000.108
481INS'hAck 201840.00000.204
5440CTF/TCTF 2018 Quals16.00000.205
357Nuit du Hack CTF Quals 20181.00000.143
772SwampCTF 201850.00000.140
175Securinets CTF Quals 2018150.00000.613
199ångstromCTF 20181285.00007.807
295NeverLAN CTF 2018834.00001.717
562TAMUctf 18436.00001.688
351Harekaze CTF 201840.00000.386
689EasyCTF IV480.00000.000
288SharifCTF 8100.00001.190
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
370 The 318br, DESEC and SucuriHC Capture The Flag (3DSCTF)94.00000.207
897SECCON 2017 Online CTF100.00000.502
524Block CTF 2017100.00000.483
32Codefest CTF 2017800.00002.645
1133CSAW CTF Qualification Round 20171.00000.026
266h4ckc0n 201712.00000.242
247HackIT CTF 201720.00000.158
173Insigne CTF15.00000.000
197BCTF 201764.00000.206
410TAMUctf 2017245.00001.219
260FIT-HACK CTF 2017500.00002.376
330ASIS CTF Quals 20171.00000.122
282INS'hAck 201748.00000.273
83April Fools' GTF 20171018.00000.000

Organized CTF events

Technex CTF 20190.00

Team members

Team writeups

Pwn2Win CTF 2020Androids Encryption [115]read writeup
hxp 36C3 CTFmaybe read writeup
hxp 36C3 CTFtracer read writeup
hxp 36C3 CTFxmas_future [96]read writeup
hxp 36C3 CTF1337 skills [35]read writeup
TUCTF 2019shellme64 [480]read writeup
TUCTF 2019core [400-499]read writeup
TUCTF 2019Faker [400]read writeup
TUCTF 2019printfun read writeup
TUCTF 2019thefirst [379]read writeup
TUCTF 2019shellme32 [462]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019findme [320]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019Buckets of fun [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019misdirection [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019Take it to the cleaners [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019pre-legend [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019Shiny [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019Crack me If You Can [391]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019AlPhAbEtIcAl Challenge [280]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019random [290]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019Long Gone [100]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019999 Bottles [110]read writeup
RITSEC CTF 2019Onion Layer Encoding [100]read writeup
redpwnCTF 2019crypt [50]read writeup
redpwnCTF 2019Tux Trivia Show [50]read writeup
WPICTF 2018Penguin [50]read writeup
WPICTF 2018ezpz [100]read writeup
WPICTF 2018Shell-JAIL-1 [150]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2018Rop to the Top [130]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2018Number Guess [70]read writeup
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