Academic team Mixed

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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 497 with 31.638 pts in 2017

Country place: 62

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
354DEF CON CTF Qualifier 201715.00000.555
215PlaidCTF 2017186.00003.253
82TAMUctf 20171555.00007.659
35FIT-HACK CTF 20173350.000015.977
11SunshineCTF 2017976.00002.466
214ASIS CTF Quals 201720.00000.317
277VolgaCTF 2017 Quals250.00001.411
3EasyCTF 20178455.00000.000

Overall rating place: 615 with 16.750 pts in 2016

Country place: 66

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
490The 318br, DESEC, and SucuriHC Capture The Flag (3DSCTF)0.00000.000
835SECCON 2016 Online CTF100.00000.497
80Juniors CTF 20162300.00000.000
9RC3 CTF 20165515.000016.253

Team members

Team writeups

EasyCTF 2017Simple ROP [120]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Doubly Dangerous [110]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Phunky Python 2 [115]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Security Through Obscurity [150]read writeup
EasyCTF 201767k [400]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Hex QR [200]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017QR2 [330]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Flag PEG [150]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Decomphose [325]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Bizarro [400]read writeup
EasyCTF 2017Heaps of Knowledge [420]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Graphic Design [200]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Music to my Ears [400]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Salad [100]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Goodtime [150]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Dirty Birdy [400]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Breaking News [300]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016My Lil Droid [100]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016My Game [400]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Cats [300]read writeup
RC3 CTF 2016Get Schwifty [500]read writeup
Hack The Vote 2016Warpspeed [150]read writeup
Hack The Vote 2016consul [100]read writeup
Hack The Vote 2016TOPKEK [50]read writeup
Hack The Vote 2016The Best RSA [250]read writeup
Hack The Vote 2016Vermatrix Supreme [100]read writeup
Hack The Vote 2016Trump Likes Colors [250]read writeup