Also known as
  • BabyHunter
  • UIT-BabyHunter
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
161Real World CTF 4th32.00000.743

Overall rating place: 647 with 15.767 pts in 2016

Country place: 17

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
113Qiwi-Infosec CTF-2016600.00001.321
114EKOPARTY CTF 2016825.00007.271
98HITCON CTF 2016 Quals550.00007.176

Team members

Team writeups

HITCON CTF 2016 QualsHandcrafted pyc [50]read writeup
HITCON CTF 2016 Quals%%% [50]read writeup