Our team consists of students with a interest in expanding our knowledge and skills in the realm of hacking.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
457TUCTF 202450.00000.322
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
623n00bzCTF 2024735.00001.769
359Akasec CTF 2024200.00000.370
236TBTL CTF 2024300.00001.640
129squ1rrel CTF 2024822.00001.907
542CTF@CIT 202410.00000.055
136SpartanCTF 2024230.00000.000
599Space Heroes 2024100.00000.254
335SwampCTF 202425.00000.270
177CursedCTF 2024 Quals1040.00001.174

Team members