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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
51New Year CTF 20255971.00006.750
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
882niteCTF 202410.00000.065
28PwnSec CTF 20241238.00003.386
40M*CTF 2024 Junior Quals8429.00003.704
38GMO Cybersecurity Contest - IERAE CTF 20241232.00005.139
245corCTF 2024130.00001.494
142DeadSec CTF 2024450.00002.037
184ImaginaryCTF 20241531.00005.404
699vsCTF 2024212.00000.688
514BCACTF 5.0175.00001.462
317b01lers CTF 20241.00000.099
140AmateursCTF 20241824.00003.350
191VishwaCTF 20241850.00004.416

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