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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
154Crypto CTF 202053.00000.458
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
72TetCTF 20201.00000.000
684RITSEC CTF 2019100.00000.193
4136picoCTF 20193600.00000.000
254ISITDTU CTF 2019 Quals10.00000.107
31AceBear Security Contest 2019300.00001.476
203CONFidence CTF 2019 Teaser51.00000.591
146UTCTF 20191350.00001.390
427BSidesSF 2019 CTF13.00000.110
220TAMUctf 197673.000012.817
192BITSCTF 201920.00000.278
627NeverLAN CTF 2019915.00002.226
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
215X-MAS CTF 2018481.00000.991
185hxp CTF 201851.00000.856
132ASIS CTF Finals 201836.00000.769
161TUCTF 20183750.00009.502
309RITSEC CTF 2018661.00001.886
388Square CTF 20185916.00001.612
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
256Trend Micro CTF 2016 Online Qualifier100.00000.665

Team members